Choose To Suffer: Go To War With Your Doubts Instead Of Succumbing To Them

The Petrichor Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2023
Photo by John Tuesday on Unsplash

This is food for the hopeless.

The ones on the verge of quitting.

Who have worked and worked and worked but seen no fruit.

Tell me,

Do you feel like you can’t do it?


Too much for you?


Too hard?


Not enough time, you’re not good enough, or you don’t deserve it?

Even better.

Imagine how it’ll feel when you conquer every single one of those doubts with your head over the finish line.

Imagine when your achievements say more than you ever could have.

Suffer to become the person who doesn’t need to.


Thank you for reading!

American psychologist Alok Konojia, or ‘HealthyGamerGG’, says:

“The absence of reflection is the reason you’re stuck.”

To solidify our growth, let’s reflect:

Petrichor’s 1-Minute Reflection:

  • How did you feel before reading?
  • How did you feel whilst reading?
  • Do you feel any different now that you’ve finished?
  • What is your one takeaway from reading this?

