Keep Stepping: Success Follows Those Who Think Marathon, Not Sprint

The Petrichor Blog
Published in
1 min readSep 11, 2023
Photo by Joel & Jasmin Førestbird on Unsplash

When you feel like giving up, know you are close.

The louder the voice that says you cannot speaks, the bigger the reap when you overcome it.

If it isn’t worth hurting for, what’s the point?

Your aspirations are worth it.

Your goals are worth it.

Your hopes are worth it.

So keep pushing on.

Even if it’s just one step at a time.

Even if it seems like nothing.

Small steps are better than no steps.


Thank you for reading!

American psychologist Alok Konojia, or ‘HealthyGamerGG’, says:

“The absence of reflection is the reason you’re stuck.”

To solidify our growth, let’s reflect:

Petrichor’s 1-Minute Reflection:

  • How did you feel before reading?
  • How did you feel whilst reading?
  • Do you feel any different now that you’ve finished?
  • What is your one takeaway from reading this?

