This Week On Petrichor

The Petrichor Blog
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3 min readFeb 19, 2024

What I’ve learnt from publishing 100 articles — 5 ways to refine your product instantly.

Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

I’ve published 100 articles.

And from that, I’ve learnt a lot through trial and error that I shouldn’t have had to learn the hard way.

If you own or plan to own a product of any kind, here are five tips.

From the information bank of industry specialists, philosophers, and myself:

What I’ve learnt from publishing 100 articles — 5 ways to refine your product instantly.

Later This Week:

A Well-fed Tiger Remains Crouched Until The Moment Is Right

Photo by Miranda Richey on Unsplash

Think of a well-fed tiger.

They catch prey, and plenty of it.

And it’s because there’s a principle within their hunt that they’ve nailed.

And we can replicate it to become and remain well-fed in all the facets of life we wish we were successful in.

Find out this life-changing principle in: A Well-fed Tiger Remains Crouched Until The Moment Is Right

Who I Want To Be — Embarrassment Is The Currency For Dreamlike Transformation

Photo by Lukas Meier on Unsplash

Nobody wants to be embarrassed.

Everyone knows what follows embarrassment—whether it’s on an emotional level or a communal/societal one.

It makes you look less than you are.

Who would risk such a damning lifetime evaluation?

I would rather look confident.

However, to become someone who does things confidently,

Not just in appearance, but fundamentally, the key is embarrassment.

And lots of it.

Embarassment will be the reason you become more than who you are—the person you want to be.

Find out why in: Who I Want To Be — Embarrassment Is The Currency For Dreamlike Transformation

Find Your Entry: It Takes 5 seconds To Make A Habit Unavoidable

Photo by Jake Leonard on Unsplash

We’ve all had periods of habitual success.

How we wish we could recreate those stretches for life.

What if I told you you could?

Would you believe that it takes less than a minute to guarantee habitual success?

All you have to do is find your entry.

Here’s how:

Find Your Entry: It Takes 5 seconds To Make A Habit Unavoidable


