10 Grilled Cheese Masterpieces for Those of us that Really Suck at Cooking

Kara Wireman
The Philly Cheesesteak
6 min readOct 3, 2017

During my first year as a college student I realized that I was on my own for the first time in my life. I was the only one responsible for myself and I realized that living off of the cafe food was only going to get me so far in life. However, as I began to cook for myself I realized that everything I made was basically inedible. That is until I started raiding my fridge and throwing anything I could into a grilled cheese sandwich out of curiosity and pure desperation to eat. I know some of you are in the same situation as I was so allow me to give you the recipes to some of the creations that have gotten me through. Keep in mind that some of these are sandwiches I now make on a regular basis. With that being said let’s quit the rambling and let’s get grilling.

1. Classic Grilled Cheese

Classic Grilled Cheese

Honestly the classic grilled cheese sandwich is one of the easiest things you can make. Your ingredients consist of bread, cheese, and butter. Secret tip if you’re a pro at burning your grilled cheese straight to hell, put mayonnaise on the outside bread being cooked and it will make your sandwich a perfect golden brown almost every time. So there you go, you can’t mess this up: butter your pan, place your bread, mayonnaise out and throw as much cheese as you can find in the middle. Some of the better cheeses to use would be American, Cheddar, Provolone, or for those of you who are daring enough, all three.

2. French Onion Grilled Cheese

French Onion Soup Grilled Cheese

For a French Onion Soup Grilled Cheese you can get super fancy with this and saute onions add a stock and cook that. However, as promised, this article is for those with no cooking skills. So another way to do this is grab a can of french onion soup some bread and butter. Drain the french onion soup a little because you don’t want to drown your sandwich. Next, you can either warm the soup on the stove or in the microwave whatever you’re most comfortable with. Begin cooking your grilled cheese and when the cheese starts to get melty open it up put the french onion soup in the middle and viola, you are Gouda to go!

3. Pizza Grilled Cheese

Pizza Grilled Cheese

This grilled cheese is fairly easy to make with mozzarella cheese,add pepperoni to the middle, and your choice of adding some warmed marinara sauce to the middle or on the side. You can even impress yourself and make this Parmesan crusted by adding a little Parmesan to the outside bread a little before the sandwich is fully done cooking.

4. Mac and Cheese Grilled Cheese

Mac and Cheese Grilled Cheese

Okay now here’s where the grilled cheese masterpieces get difficult. You’ve heard of Kraft Mac and Cheese right? Well cook some of that up, add it to the middle of the classic grilled cheese heat it a tad longer and you’re done.Super complicated right?

5. Spaghetti and Garlic Toast Grilled Cheese

Spaghetti and Garlic Toast Grilled Cheese

For this sandwich we are again starting off with the classic grilled cheese. If you’re as big of a fan of garlic bread as I am you will use every opportunity to add garlic to everything. On the outside of the bread add some cheese and garlic salt before cooking. Next crack open a can of Chef Boyardee Spaghetti, stuff that in the middle and there you have a spaghetti and garlic toast grilled cheese.

6. BLT Grilled Cheese

BLT Grilled Cheese

We all love the classic BLT and we all love cheese so we know that literally nothing could go wrong combining these magical combinations. Fry up some bacon, slice those tomatoes, and grab the lettuce. Throw it all in the middle of your classic grilled cheese and enjoy the pure bliss.

7. Roasted Broccoli Grilled Cheese

Roasted Broccoli Grilled Cheese

This one sounds a little intimidating and I know we’re using some big chef words here but I promise it will pay off. Throw some broccoli in a pan with some olive oil. Add your fancy broccoli to your grilled cheese sandwich and you’ve got a broccoli fondue sandwich.

8. BBQ Chicken Grilled Cheese

BBQ Chicken Grilled Cheese

For this sandwich you can do whatever your comfort level is to make the BBQ chicken. If you have some famous BBQ chicken family recipe go for it. If you’re not quite that confident you can be just like me and get some chicken strips and drown them in BBQ sauce and microwave. Put your chicken in your sandwich and enjoy!

9. Italian Chicken and Egg Grilled Cheese

Breakfast Grilled Cheese

If you didn’t know this by now you can put just about anything in a grilled cheese any left overs, anything in the cabinet or the fridge, let your imagination run wild. This is my personal creation that originated when I went to my mom’s house and stole everything out of her fridge. This included chicken strips, a fried egg, pepperoni, bread, cheese, and Italian dressing. This was my breakfast for a weekend and my go-to fridge raiding meal.

10. Apple and Muenster Grilled Cheese

Apple and Muenster Grilled Cheese

For the final few masterpieces I present to you the dessert grilled cheeses. Cinnamon swirl bread filled with a cream cheese spread, muenster cheese, and apple slices. Perfect for those nights where you just need something sweet before bed.

11. Strawberry Nutella Grilled Cheese

This one is perfect for any Nutella lover, we all have those late nights where your roommate catches you sobbing in your bed mid essay spooning Nutella out of the jar. Well with this sandwich you can do the same thing with just a tad more dignity. Grilled cheese it up like always but this time the cheese you are going to be using is Brie which is known for being paired with fruit. In this grilled cheese you will add as much of as little Nutella as you would like as well as as many or few strawberries.

12. Banana French Toast Grilled Cheese

This one involves a little bit of cooking to make the french toast but once you have that done the rest of the sandwich will be fairly easy. Mix together egg, milk, cinnamon, vanilla and a little bit of salt, quick dip in two pieces of bread and throw them onto your grilled cheese pan. Flip the bread a couple times until its toasted then add a dollop of cream cheese to each piece of bread. While that melts a bit cut up some banana and put it on one of the slices. Drizzle some caramel over the open sandwich then take the empty slice of toast and close the sandwich. Let the sandwich cook for a little longer to make it warm and then you are all set to enjoy!

Honestly why are you still reading this, aren’t you starving yet??? Go grab some odds and ends and make a masterpiece!

