“Comfort” Foods for the Zodiac

Kara Wireman
The Philly Cheesesteak
5 min readDec 5, 2017

I have always been into astrology and spirituality, and I would learn and memorize the things that my mom and aunt would say to each other not fully understanding how astrology is broken down. Recently I had my astrology chart read and found that it was the most interesting thing that I had ever heard and proceeded to learn everything I could understand. So without further ado here are the signs comfort foods based on zodiac characteristics.


Buffalo chicken- you have an explosive personality when you get fired up but similar to that buffalo sauce taking over the dish you can take over the world when your heads on straight. You’re independent and can do anything you put your mind to.


Brownies and ice cream- these two always come together just like you and your friend but don’t indulge to much because you and I both know you can get carried away sometimes.


Something to go- you are always moving and this dish is perfect for your travels it wont slow you down. Just make sure your dish travels well so its not good one day and bad the next, just like you, be honest you know how you get sometimes.


Something your mom used to make- you have a need to feel at home but don’t revel in that nostalgia too long you need to keep your head up and keep going. For me that food is my moms mashed potatoes and chicken from our big family dinner but this meal has to have a home connection to you.


Cake- you’re always the life of the party and the center of everyone’s attention, and we all know you get impulsive so when you see that cake in the store window only buy it every once in a while and try to justify it with a holiday, you know national Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day is coming up Nov. 7 and that sounds like a cake worthy holiday doesn't it?

Gluten Free Chocolate & Almond Cake


Something you make yourself- enjoying something you make yourself will make you feel even better about indulging. It make take some time to make but it will make you feel better employing your cooking skills. Just don’t get too wrapped up in perfection and cook 30 slightly imperfect dishes and not allow yourself to eat because of it.


A big ol’ platter- sometimes you have a hard time making decisions and other times you’re the one that everyone goes to to help solve their problems. A platter is perfect for you because you can make as many or as few decisions as you want. Eat one thing or eat it all its up to you so take your time and don’t over complicate it because there’s always leftovers.


None- Do you really need a comfort food? Do you even know what comfort is Scorpio? Any food is food to you, what makes the meal is that you’re in solitude and no one is complaining about how “mooooody” you are.


Pasta- it’s the best kind of salad! Pasta is extremely diverse marinara or alfredo, hot or cold… it can be independent or it can be with lots of side dishes. This is perfect for you because you are the same way, great one on one with close friends and great with a group of people you are always your best self


Chicken- Just like you chicken goes with everything you can read a situation and adjust to it. Chicken can also be a dish all on its own taking over, similar to you cause you know you can get a little stubborn.


New England clam chowder- Not everyone likes this soup but it’s just trying to do its job as a soup. This is so similar to you and how you are not always well received by people but you always have good intentions


Fancy restaurant food- Comfort food doesn't always have to be a home cooked meal. As a Pisces you crave and truly appreciate creativity. Go out and try a new fancy and innovative restaurant just be sure to take someone close with you so you can enjoy a nice meal with a close friend, it will be more meaningful.

