Failure is the flip-side of success

Marcel Christianis
2 min readSep 19, 2015


In her book What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20, Tina Seelig says, “Failure is the flip-side of success.” One of many other great things she said in her book.

Business, or maybe life in general has always been associated with success or failure. It seems that those two are the only result of everything that we do. Although I would want to argue that there is more into it — more factors to consider — to a degree, I think it’s true.

In that sense too, people began to develop sentiment towards failure, having a fear of failure and avoiding it like a plague. I think this is what those people might fail to see.

Failure is the flip-side of success. In the same manner, success is the flip-side of failure. Similar to how a coin is. A coin has two sides, heads or tails. Even if you always get tails from consecutively flipping a coin, eventually you will get heads. Consequently, as much as you fail, you will succeed. If you want to succeed ten times, be prepared to fail ten times or even more.

However, unlike a game of coin flips, where you have a certain amount of chances given to you, there’s unlimited chances in life and in business. It’s okay that you failed 10 times, there’s no limit on how many times try, you can try again as much as you want. It’s okay if you failed 100 times, there is still the 101st time. And the good news is, you only need to succeed once and you win the game. You only need to flip head for the 101st time.

