10 Years Have Passed: What Now?

Jeremy Reddig
The Philopsychonomist
6 min readFeb 12, 2016

Today’s accomplishments haven’t necessarily hit me yet. It’s a big day, people all around the world have worked years on end to meet a goal. And yet, I still feel the same, it’s a feeling similar to how some of us feel on our birthday. Once in a blue moon, when 10 years have passed, we have a birthday where we really get setback by how fast time flies, or we are happy we are old enough to celebrate in a way we couldn’t have before. However, most of the time, it is just another day.

That is how today feels, like any other day. But, I know, based off the work finished, I am not in the same place as I was yesterday. Just yesterday, I was stressing out to make sure that my book got done and everything was ready to go for you, or anyone for that matter that comes in contact with me. This was frustrating to me, but I enjoyed every step of the way. I learned so much, not just about publishing a book, but establishing an L.L.C. and even building a remote team to further our publishing experience at Mobiusynergy L.L.C.

It’s really just a company to help protect me legally with my books (for now anyway). This is what makes today so special to me. I have been on a journey. A journey that started before I graduated High School.

10 Years Ago

All of my friends knew what they wanted to do after High School, but not me. I was all over the place trying to figure it out, but ultimately I enlisted to serve the World. Joining the U.S. Army at the ripening age of 18, I set out to live my life to the fullest. In hopes that one day, I would have learned and understood something that I can then bring back to help the World. This idea to serve the world was an honor, and it put me on this path to figure things out that I would have missed. Today, I am 28, about 10 years have passed from the point I chose to enlist.

Ten years ago, today, I started running everyday to lose the necessary weight in able to take the exam. The path was by any means uncertain, but I knew it would be worth it to gain the experience and develop my way; this was my motivation. Mainly, because I knew this path would give me the time needed to understand as much as life as possible, while at the same time deciding what it was that I (JeremyReddig) wanted to do in life to help.

This dedication led to my recruiter dragging my ass to the MEPS station in San Diego, California. Where I passed the test, and got offered to serve in an honorable way. And guess what??? I TOOK THE OFFER, I swore in like my life depended on it, heck, like your life depended on it. That is how motivated I am to help the world become a better place. I gladly put myself on the line to see what this world was about from my perspective.

And let me tell you, the world is AMAZING! It needs a lot of help, but its a fantastic planet to be on, if I don’t say so myself. Going to war taught me a couple of things about myself, about the world, and about leadership/teamwork. With this said, what the service truly taught me was how powerful “We The People” really are, BUT we are losing this potential. Simply because, The People aren’t exercising their rights, we fall succumbed to corporations. Knowing this I was ready to attend college to learn what the scholars had to teach me. After the military, I found myself at Northern Arizona University.

I went to live the college life, fully emerged if you will. I knew that the most important thing to completing college was to show up, everyday, even if I was mentally checked out. So, I did just that, and I ended up walking out of there with degrees in economics, psychology and philosophy. I was what some would say “about it”.

You couldn’t get me to talk about anything else during college; philosophy, psychology and economics became my way. So much so, that when I graduated, I launched a website called Philopsychonomics.com just to learn about building websites and blogging. Side note: the blog got hacked, due to operator error, today, it is merely a landing page. With this said, I am still “about it”.

More than ever, I am about Philopsychonomics. This is the core of my education, and the military mixed with my education is the core of my experience. I don’t know anything else, When I was in Afghanistan I had got in a fire fight that led to a Traumatic Brain Injury, so my memory is shot (not literally, the equipment saved my life). Hence, blogging became a way for me to help, or at least attempt to build my memory back up, but its only stuff from this time period that gets stored. It’s as if, I am a kid who graduated from college and served their country. With this said, I am kid with a passion, (I’m really 28 though).

My passion is learning about anything that has to do with Philopsychonomics, and trust you when I say this. There is so much that has to do with Philopsychonomics. Imagine three individual silos that are compartmentalized for 100’s if not 1000’s of years when all of a sudden they all fall into one bigger silo. Not only is there going to be new ideas, there are going to be new ways. This thought has led me down this path in hopes that one day, others can study philopsychonomics at the university level. My goal actually is to get my p.H.d. in Philopsychonomics. Achieving this goal would put me into the position to have the credentials needed to help the world.

I think we can both agree that this is a lofty goal, but I am ready to do the work. This is because, every step of the way I am helping someone, and on a bigger picture, I, nay we, are synergizing a community of enlightened intellectuals. Which, is why I am motivated to meet this goal, because it aligns with my ideals; helping in a non harming way, one moment at a time. Hence, today is not just any other day, even though it certainly feels like it.

Today is a big day in the grand scheme of things. The very first book for Philopsychonomics is published. Thats right you are reading it correctly, the first of its kind. Its called #ThePowerfulDay, trendy don’t you think? But, the book, isn’t what I am talking about, in fact, do me a favor, don’t read it. Give me more time to build this community. Let me work for it; please.

In fact, I want to work for it, I have this grand idea to better serve the world. You see, education is a big part of our lives, but in today’s day and age it is not treated as such. So what I am doing is connecting “We The People” to empower ourselves to tap into our potential. Arete, look it up. (actually click here, I looked it up for you).

Specifically what I am doing is creating a publication to help philosopher’s, psychologist, economist and all the other social sciences. For the sole purpose of creating a community that wants to share, as well as educate themselves on Philopsychonomics. The publication is open to any and all readers who are interested. And, will consist of intellects, who are students, professionals, educators, researchers and developers of the social sciences; and anyone else that can help the community. This is important, because the last year of my college experience, they stopped looking at economics as a social science, but I will let you decide whether it is or isn’t for yourself.

With this said, I have a question for you.

Attention Readers

Question: What sort of topics would you like to read about as The Philopsychonomist comes to fruition and continues to publish articles?

P.S.: Do you want to become a writer for The Philopsychonomist?

Contact me directly or at The Philopsychonomist on Medium.com.

World Peace,


Originally published at www.jeremyreddig.com on February 12, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
The Philopsychonomist

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace