Rise of The Nomads

Jeremy Reddig
The Philopsychonomist
7 min readFeb 11, 2016

Nomads are going to win, and this post will attempt to show me why. What is a Nomad you ask? In short a Nomad is a person who travels the world and works to keep traveling (remember this for later in the article). In a world with the internet this is the biggest opportunity for a person who is wanting to become something. I will get to my reasons shortly, but be ready, because this might be a little hard to swallow. *hypothetically speaking* But trust you when I say this, the Nomads are GOING to WIN.

Maybe not all of them, but the nomads that are willing to to put in the effort to truly become the person they want to be, will achieve their ideal state, before the people who do not embrace this nomad era that is here to stay. I am not trying to sit here and say that the non-nomads won’t achieve their ideal state, for all you know, being a non-nomad is your ideal state. All I am saying is that in this era, the Nomad Era, the Nomads are going to win.

To keep this simple lets just compare a living situation. The Nomads either sleep in a vehicle, rent a room in a hotel or hostel, or they crash on a couch at a friends place. Either one of these options are a cost that will have to be incurred. They can even take the homeless route and maintain their hygiene at gyms if they’d like. There are many alternatives, but what they aren’t missing out on, is seeing the world. They are working while at the sometime working to pay for their ticket to travel the world, and gain an experience that is much harder to do with constraints to a specific location. For instance, If I were to go to a place like Thailand, and pay $20 per night for a decent hotel room, I would only be paying $600 US dollars a month. That is nothing, for working remote. Most people that work remote in America with a 40+ hour jobs work to stay at home and pay $1200-$2500 USD. I say most, not everyone, some of you might pay more, some might pay less. My point is this: while some of us are paying thousands to live in one location, others are paying hundreds to travel and live life on their own terms.

Think about it, a non-nomad pays rent whether it is for a lease or to own a property. This commitment alone ties you down to a specific location for anywhere from 6 months to 20–30 years. Who wants that? I’ll tell you who, the generations before us. These ideas come from them, not this era. We realized this with the housing bubble of 2008. The market gets pumped and dumped; just like the penny stocks most beginners take a gamble on. This lack of knowledge is pricey don’t you think? I mean, anyone of us can easily lose thousands of dollars on the penny stocks, and get tied down to a specific location. Seems to me like it is expensive to stay in our box (house) just to work in another box for 40+ hours a week. Who wants this? I will tell you, the previous generations, whose ideas stemmed from generations before them. The nomad is going to win, don’t listen to me, listen to yourself? Technology is going to replace your job, and you will be trapped, even more than you are now. Don’t believe yourself yet?

Its going to cost you.

You maybe saying “Tell me Jeremy, what is being a non-nomad going to cost me?” So I am going to tell you straight up. Being a non-nomad is going to cost you the life you could of had, the dreams you could have achieved and the wonderful people you could have met. Just think of all the places you could have already gone if you were not tied down to a job with basic benefits, and/or a leasing agreements. And trust me, I have been all over the world, one thing that helps people connect is sharing stories of where they have been, and where they are trying to go. Its almost like a competition, but not for the Nomad, The Nomad has ALREADY WON. The Nomad is changing the way our world works. (click here to read about 7 individuals)

Heck, The world is changing how the world works, and the Nomad is riding the waves to shore. While the non-nomad sits back and waits for an opportunity that may never come, because of this ideology that floats over our shoulders, like an itch we can’t scratch.


Let me back up, I said “technology is going to replace your job”. Let me elaborate on why your job will be replaced.

Why am I doing this?

So you can hopefully wake up and smell the roses, your job will no longer be secure. Technology is coming for you, well not you specifically, but your job. The security of our jobs are almost 100% gone, while at the same time, social securities age requirements are ever increasing, making it impossible to retire (again ideas of past generations before us). Seriously, think about it. How many of us are using technology for at least one part of our job. Try not to even think of a smart device, just think of the basic run of the mill technological devices.


Nomads For The Win

Over the next couple of decades your tasks will become void, until your managers think you are no longer needed to even handle the technology, they will fire you. It is happening, its been happening since, before the internet was created. Heck, washer machines decreased the amount of labor that goes into physically washing clothes. The internet was just the tipping point, and the guys and gals who intuitively caught on in the early stages are FUCKING WINNING, some of the wealthiest people alive are in their 30’s and 40’s. Certainly, not the wealthiest in terms of finances, but they are still young enough to enjoy their amassed wealth to the point where they can travel and work remotely, and continue to accumulate prosperous resources. So, what does all of this mean in regards to this article. This: Nomads are WINNING, WIN after WIN. They are winning more than we can imagine.

Their wins are so big that non-nomads are starting to figure out ways to follow suit, because the Nomads way is naturally becoming the way of life. You don’t need more convincing than this do you? Clearly you can see how the Nomads are winning, they are traveling the world, building relationships, discovering their own purpose and working to live, just as all of us are already doing. The only difference is that the Nomads aren’t as constrained, but these constraints translate into a very big difference. Nomads build teams that work remote as they are stationed all over the world. Most of them live a life of struggle that is ultimately self-fulfilling, because it is a challenge. Its the complete opposite for non-nomads, who are constrained to their work (and living) environment. Ultimately struggling to maintain a job and their dreams at the same time. With this said, everyone has a cost to pay in order to be apart of society and the Nomads have the absolute, comparative, and competitive advantage. Furthermore, the Nomads are positions to capitalize on a vast array of opportunities as they build a global network to withstand the test of time.

Is this article sinking in yet? If this is going in one ear and out the other, I either did a terrible job writing this article, or you have already lost. Either way, hang loose, I am like fine wine.

These next two decades you will see a rise of the Nomads, because they are always presenting new and exciting things, in a way that NEVER gets old. Their way of life in and of it self is a struggle, its real, its adventurous, and it is what humans desire; Nomads overcome adversity. Which, is to travel the world, meet new people and experience cultures and societies at large while living pay check to pay check. Until they aren’t, because they amassed enough to nurture a business and family with balance. Allowing them to do what they want, when they want, with who they want; these I say are the wealthy ones that are also financially free.

Nomads its time to rise and unite in diverse ways!

Do you need a thought exercise to help you a little more?

Here is a question:

What is cheaper, having a team that works remote from all over the world who meet a couple times a year (face-to-face), or renting out an office space for all of your employees to work at, that will ultimately use technology to communicate with one another?

Challenge me on this, prove me wrong.

PS: I am well aware of the cost to fly from country to country, but the prices to travel is minuscule once the mindset is there and the choice has been made. One to three service based clients a month can cover all of the incurred cost.



Snapchat: jjr236


Originally published at www.jeremyreddig.com on February 11, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
The Philopsychonomist

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace