They Don’t Want Us To Perceive

Jeremy Reddig
The Philopsychonomist
4 min readFeb 18, 2016

We Perceive, There Is No Secret About It.

Perception is everything, and I don’t mean this lightly. Every single sense we have, we perceive. And the more we practice to perceive our senses the better they become. For example, a wine connoisseur doesn’t start out with an impeccable palette they become accustomed to the way they taste each sip. Similar to a wine connoisseur we are all on a path to develop our senses, whether we want to see, taste, touch, feel, think, listen and/or improve our skills. I say skills, because people see our skill sets, more than we see our own skills sometimes, and either way you look at skill sets they are being perceived.

Making the way we perceive ourselves ever more important. The perceived value is based on our mindsets. If we have the motivation (a mindset) to improve (another mindset) then we will adapt to being better all around. The power of perception is phenomenal. And, I might very well have been underestimating its potential. Could tapping into my perception be one way to improve my life? Certainly so, but before I make this decision let me continue thinking about it.

The way I am thinking about perception has certainly improved from the last time I wrote about this. And, Philosophers refer to the location within the mind that perceives our senses as a Sensorium. Which is a sensory apparatus that allows us to perceive all of our senses at once. Similar to a cinematograph (the device that projects film onto the theater screen), I like to look at the sensorium as a mindmatograph. Because the sensorium captures all of the stimulus from our senses and projects an image for us to experience, in turn, sensing what we are experiencing. Furthermore, if we improve our perception we will improve our sensorium, and our mindsets ought to improve as well.

Our mindsets have to already be in that position. i.e. having the proper motivation to improve our lives. Most of us these days are born with this natural motivation to do better, because most of the worlds population is born into some sort of unfortunate circumstances. I honestly don’t know anyone who was “Spoon Fed” their entire life. So, to my knowledge everyone has been through a struggle at some point in their life. And that struggle, if you went through it naturally gave you the motivating mindset to be better. If and only if, you perceived that some way some how, your life wasn’t satisfying.

This perception becomes instilled in us, exactly like a mindset. We feel out of place, like we don’t belong where we are at in the moment. This feeling makes us feel different. This perceived difference will do one of three things:

  1. Conform to the environment we are in, because we are satisfied
  2. Rebel against the environment, because we are not satisfied, nor do we want to listen
  3. Adapt and overcome the environment, because we are not satisfied, and we are willing to figure out a way to become satisfied by listening and learning from others who appear to have found a way

These are three key differences. The first, will most likely lead to living in an environment that was made for us. The second, would lead to various levels of danger. And the third, will lead to overcoming adversity to improve your life. Each difference, I am willing to bet, have been experienced by all of us in some way or another. However, we all individually prefer one of these ways more than the others. Personally, I like to think and feel my way toward the third difference. Which, is why I might be thinking about perception in the first place, because I have these questions based on my perceived experiences of the world.

How can I improve my perception to improve my life? I know that if I take care of myself, and present myself in a way that is presentable. Others will accept me for who I am, instead of where I came from. BUT, sometimes this can be hard to do, because I get these flashbacks that remind me about the past. This being the case, I have to remain consistent and disciplined with every aspect of my life, and work through trial and error. Therefore, if we change our perception based on our trial and error, we will be one step closer to achieving greatness. With this said, we all have greatness within us.

They Don’t Want Us To Perceive & Unlock Our Potential

The greatness within is so deep and uniquely bound to our personal experiences. We must improve our perception as it appears to be the underlying factor for experiencing and unlocking our greatest potential. Our greatness depends on us perceiving what works and what doesn’t so we can adapt and overcome specific habits, skills, and mindsets that maybe holding us back. This is of course, for those who want to improve their life, not everyone wants to tap into their perception, but we all perceive, and… If, you can perceive, you can achieve. With this being the case, how can you improve your perception to improve your life?

World Peace,

JeremyReddig author of #ThePowerfulDay

Snapchat: jjr236

Originally published at on February 18, 2016.



Jeremy Reddig
The Philopsychonomist

Author of #ThePowerfulDay | Philopsychonomist | Veteran | Helper | World Peace