13 Lessons from Baruch Spinoza

Based on the history of science, religion is an organisation that assaults those who dare to think of new ideas. What did free-thinkers and philosophers like Spinoza do in such circumstances? This is what you will read.

Maziyar Moradi
The Labyrinth


The purpose of this article is neither to summarise this play (New Jerusalem) nor to criticise it but to praise its author and to share the pleasure I experienced by reading it with the readers. The main goal is to encourage readers to read the play. Before discussing the thirteen things that can be learned from Spinoza, it is necessary to look at a brief introduction about Spinoza.

13 Lessons from Baruch Spinoza, Maziyar ID
13 Lessons from Baruch Spinoza

The trial of Spinoza is indeed one of the most prominent examples of a rigorous, antagonistic, and unflattering rationality’s trial.

Trial of Spinoza

The jurors, however sincere their motivations may have been, attempted to divert Spinoza from his loyalty to rationality which was not only his best associate but also his only savior. They tried to restrain him with old traditional religion that had been passed down for generations. Therefore, instead of his own happiness and caring about people’s prosperity, they expected him to follow the narcissistic, fanatical, and…



Maziyar Moradi
The Labyrinth

Author, Translator, ex-psychologist and immigration consultant | WhatsApp: (+1) 920 825 2627