6 Reasons Why You Should Be More Patient

On patience: a key to success, love, and fulfillment


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Why wait? Life is short.

I’ve grown up incredibly impatient. Being extremely efficient, doing everything at once, upset by people and circumstances that held me back, patience for me was a synonym of laziness. If you know what you want, you should go there and get it, right? Yet, in every area of my life- from spirituality and magic to business development, I’ve bumped into the need for patience.

Gladly, life always finds a way to bring you exactly what you need to learn (if you dare to listen). In my case, I had the perfect role model for patience right at home: my mother, the most patient of all beings. Yet, it took me decades to grasp the immense power of this virtue.

Here are the reasons I learned that make patience a highly needed quality for living joyfully and fulfilling our dreams.

1. Impatience = Fear

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” Leo Tolstoy

How long have you given yourself to work on your dreams? Or to meet new people instead of settling for an ok relationship? Because we do not fully trust our whole dreams to manifest, because we are rigid and…



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
The Labyrinth

Life's not a hustle: I help you live your purpose with clarity, love & well-being. Watch Free Class 'Live from the Heart': alineram.com/live-from-the-heart