6 Stoic Quotes That Got Me Through the Year

We all needed to be a little stoic this year

Owen Lloyd
The Labyrinth


Photo by Alex Voulgaris on Unsplash

I have always been a fan of the stoics.

Like many, I find their philosophy to be extremely simple and applicable to our everyday lives. While many philosophers tend to ramble through overly convoluted, barely comprehensible monologues, the stoics put a focus on creating a practical philosophy, one than somebody could pick up and start to follow in a matter of an hour to two if they were so inclined.

The year 2020 has been a good one to be a stoic. In fact, there are times when it has been absolutely necessary in order to keep ourselves sane.

While traversing a long period of illness due to long-haul COVID, I had to stay grounded. Stoicism allowed me to get through the worst days of my illness and come out of it stronger.

I tried to stick to the philosophy as a whole and incorporate the teachings of all the great stoics. However, there were some specific quotes that stuck with me, ones I kept coming back to when I felt as though I was at the end of my tether.

The words of the stoics always give me such a boost, and remind me to keep going.

“Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of…



Owen Lloyd
The Labyrinth

I write about philosophy, self improvement and how we should live our lives on this strange planet.