Attention and Intention: The Superpowers of the Human Mind

Expanding life through the mind


Photo by Josh Riemer on Unsplash

At any given second, millions of things are happening. Pandemics, unemployment, abusive power structures. Scientific progress, sustainable innovations, and beautiful art.

The world (and the human mind) never stops. What is for dinner tonight, where we want to go next for holidays, what we are feeling on our pinky toes. And surely there are people dancing, children playing, and autumn leaves in all different colors.

Given we can't possibly keep track of everything, my question to you is,

What are you choosing?

At any given second, millions of things are happening

The role of the mind is to select a few of the millions of possible things that matter to focus on. The thing is, what we focus on defines what we get to act on and live by.

The mind is a magnifying lens. Whatever it picks, it amplifies. Think about what you are cooking for dinner, and suddenly dinner is much more relevant than any pandemic.

That’s all. It is that simple.

And yet, it is not.



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
The Labyrinth

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