Gregory Reece-Smith
The Labyrinth
Published in
8 min readFeb 7, 2021



To Lead A SUSTAINABLE Life Is To Be Connected

Here are 7 SOULIAM exercises to help improve your connection

Your Sustainable Connection — Vivaan Trivedii, Unsplash

Whilst the word sustainability has come to be associated with the environment, its root sustainable has a broader meaning.

In essence it refers to action taken to sustain the underlying pattern of health, resilience, and adaptability that maintain something such as our life in a condition where it continues to flourish.

Hence why this is the last step in my TOWARDS process of creating effective change in your life.

Unless we continue to take action all the steps taken before will come to naught in terms of maintaining or continuing to live to our full potential.

Connect With Your Intuition

For change to be sustainable it is essential we are grateful for every aspect of our life we have around us. No matter how large or small. When we do not express appreciation, how can we expect to receive more?

The one certainty in our life is there will be constant change. We therefore need to embrace this awareness. To be in the flow of what is unfolding rather than ignoring or resisting what keeps appearing.

It is there for a reason, only we can choose to take action or not. Making choices means we are acting in a sustainable manner. Creating the life you desire.

Using your intuition will always guide you TOWARDS where your soul intends you to be. Your soul can then guide you to accelerate your life.

The closer is your connection to your soul then the easier will be the co- ordination and understanding as to your next steps and direction.

Each of us is part of the Creator, therefore why not utilise this broader awareness? There are no exceptions, it is available to us all.

Our current culture, society or community teaches us we are valued for what you do, not who you are. Anyone valued for who they are is the result of doing something exceptional, not simply being themselves.

To manage this, society teaches us rules about practically everything. We accept them because we believe they are needed to create the life we desire.

Whereas in truth you are worth all the lavish care, attention, and unconditional love you have longed for and lavished on others.

Freedom is the core theme of this Age of Aquarius. So, start creating it by rescuing yourself from the rules, putting yourself at the top of the priority list, and gently make your connection.

Exercises To Make Your Connection

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by data of one form or another. Add to this the fact society values a focus on rationality and science, it is understandable many find it a challenge to even ponder on listening to their intuition.

To me and increasingly many others. are recognising connecting to our intuitive processing can help decision making. Allowing space for answers to come to you without overanalysing a situation.

For me it has speeded up decision making and provided insights my mind would have never considered. Making my life sustainable.

Then to quote Joe Vitale:

“Awaken to your own internal power, to your own connection to the Divine, and act on what you are inspired to do”

Here are seven SOULIAM exercises to help you improve your connection.

Sit in Peace

  • Find a place to sit comfortably and without distraction.
  • Follow your breath by counting ‘1’ on the inhale and ‘2’ on the exhale.
  • When you are relaxed and quiet, identify an event or situation you are seeking insight about.
  • Focus on the event or situation intently for a few minutes.
  • Ask for a direct intuitive experience about it in the near future.
  • Let it go.

Observe the Symbol

  • Collect a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
  • Ask yourself three times: “What does my life need right now?”, pausing between each question. Imagine you are moving towards a more insightful answer on each occasion you ask.
  • After the third asking, pick up your pen or pencil and draw one symbol on your paper.
  • Interpret this symbol. What does it suggest you add, subtract, or enjoy from your life? Be aware the direction of items such as arrows is also a symbol.

Understand Your Body

  • We all experience intuition differently. For some, it may appear as an image; for others, as a physical sensation (the classic ‘gut feeling’); others identify a more emotional response.
  • Slow down and try to sense how, or where, you experience your intuition. A body scan can be done whenever you have an important decision to make or practiced daily to improve your intuition.

Love Yourself

  • Find a spot to sit comfortably, ideally in Nature.
  • Identify a place or something you really love to do.
  • Using your imagination, allow what you identified to ‘fall into’ your heart area and nest there for the duration of the exercise.
  • Inhale on the count of ‘1’ and exhale on the count of ‘2’, imagine you are breathing through your heart.
  • Allow the breath of your heart to caress your thoughts as it moves in, through, and around the nest of what you love.
  • After five minutes of caressing the place or thing you love, invite your thoughts to return to the room of your mind — the space behind your forehead and between the tops of the ears.
  • Focus on your breathing heart.
  • Use your intuitive senses to know what gift of understanding has been left or been born in your nest.
  • If nothing is there, let it go for the moment.

Imagine Your Connection

  • Expand your sixth sense. Imagine your eyes, ears, hands, skin, emotions, and intellect stretch out into the invisible world around you. Capturing sensations, information, inspiration, knowledge, and wisdom in the same way wifi or a mobile phone receives invisible waves of sounds and images.
  • Let yourself ‘walk’ through your day sensitive to other dimensions. Note those which give you joy and those which do not.

Ask Your Question

  • Ask yourself: “I am asking for help from my intuition in relation to …”. What is it you are most concerned about or most interested in accelerating now: — your relationships, business or career, personal growth and evolution, financial stability, etc..
  • Formulate a question and ask it internally as often as you can. Ensure you provide space between each occasion to allow space for the answer to appear.


  • Mindfulness encourages us to notice feelings and thoughts without attaching to them. This can be particularly useful if you are trying to develop your intuition. Watching and accepting thoughts without judgement will allow you greater access to intuitive information.
  • Another useful mindfulness technique, the body scan, can help you notice sensations in your body, which could relate to intuitive processing.
  • Being present and mindful of your surroundings will also help develop intuition, providing your unconscious mind with insights to inform decisions.

Any of these exercises will provide you with what Catherine Carrigan describes as:

“When you connect every part of yourself to God, you can know whatever it is you need to know.”

What May Block Your Sustainable Connection

Because the messages of our intuition tend to be subtle, many conditions can interfere with your ability to notice them. The main ones are distractions and focusing your listening on your mind chatter.

Here is a list of some of the most common factors that create internal conflict and so block our intuition. My suggestion is to quickly scan the list and note the ones that catch your attention.

  • fatigue
  • drug use
  • stress
  • chaos, clutter, dis-organisation
  • external distractions
  • fear of responsibility, the unknown, success, failure, etc.
  • anger
  • depression
  • being re-active
  • energy attachments
  • fixed and limiting beliefs and patterns of behaviour
  • moods
  • desires
  • no direction, objectives or focus
  • continuous mental activity
  • needing control, attachment to results, expectations
  • your internal critic e.g. I am not worthy of…
  • judgement, conversation and thought full of “should”
  • rulebound
  • low self-worth
  • not creating space for quiet reflection
  • no sense of your purpose, your mission
  • unbalanced and mis-aligned chakras.

Which of these blocks caught your attention? It was your intuition sending the signals as a quick scan of the above long list overloads most rational minds and may allow intuition to register.

Did you sense a pattern emerging as you noted each of the blocks which resonated with you?

For myself and many clients a theme of being unable or unwilling to love oneself has been a pattern. Meaning if one cannot love oneself unconditionally then one part, very often the soul, is excluded. Making connection a challenge!

Which blocks connected with you most strongly? How did they feel to be different from the others?

Now list your top five intuition blocks in order of priority. This process is more logical, more rational and left brained. Did you feel different creating this priority list compared to your intuitive scan of the list?

Please Share

The key to building firm sustainable foundations is to address the causes of your internal conflict. Many of those listed above stem from our unconscious shadows. Manifesting as self-sabotage, procrastination, holding back from taking action, and often appearing as negative, destructive behaviour.

Building self-trust enables us to sustain connection to our intuition. Which is fundamental to accelerating our life and so our growth, personal and so business.

The challenge for each of us at the moment is as I wrote in a recent story: “the ways you may have used previously to solve problems will no longer work. In fact your defences could also be your prison.”

You can learn more about shadow energy in:

As you take action you are communicating the message to all of Creation you have taken responsibility for your life, business and personal. Do not forget to ask for assistance, no matter how specific that may be.

My intent with the TOWARDS process is to guide you towards where your soul intends you to be.

Enjoy your journey and please do let me know how you progress.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this story to others you love.

To Living Your Sustainable Life


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their business and their life.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

For more insights visit:



Gregory Reece-Smith
The Labyrinth

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.