Enough of Mindfulness — It’s Time for Mindlessness

Mindfulness is only half of the journey


Photo by Cris Trung on Unsplash

We live in a world that is constantly throwing demands on us. Be independent, be disciplined, be physically fit, be a loving and caring friend, be honest, be young and social, be inclusive, consume environmentally-friendly products.

What’s worse, our minds are pretty good at catching all these social constructs and repeating them to us… over and over again. And just like that, we got an intensely demanding and unloving dialogue running in our minds.

No wonder mindfulness has become such a big thing: our minds are far from being peaceful territories.

Mindfulness is the act of being aware, present, attentive. Through mindfulness meditation, we can observe all these inner dialogues going on, and not engage with them. In this way, we separate social and mental constructs from us and silence the inner dialogue. Stillness and peace, at last!

Confusion, anxiety, over-worry, attachment to safety, paralysis, are issues of an overactive mind. If only our minds were a bit quieter and give us a break, then with some luck we could listen to our hearts and find satisfaction, inner clarity.



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
The Labyrinth

Life's not a hustle: I help you live your purpose with clarity, love & well-being. Watch Free Class 'Live from the Heart': alineram.com/live-from-the-heart