For Curious Minds…

The Philosophy Guy
The Labyrinth
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1 min readDec 15, 2020

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful week!

Here are a couple podcast episodes I think my provide some thoughts to ponder on….

From our publication’s podcast…The Philosophy Guy:

Agents of Chaos | Wisdom, Knowledge, Spirituality, Curiosity, Doubt, and Finding Inner Peace

  • What are your agents of chaos? Why do they matter? Can wisdom help us find peace? Should you look for wisdom?

Spiritual Awakening or Spiritual Emergency?

  • This is an episode for those interested in the psychological studies behind spiritual awakenings…
  • There’s often heavy debate about perceived spiritual awakenings while under the influence of psychedelics…what is this distinction? Is it important? And how does one overcome a spiritual emergency?

Is Cognition Everywhere? | Reality, Cognition, Psychedelics, Consciousness, and Limitations of Knowing

  • A discussion on the distinctions of experience, consciousness, and the cognition that might be all around us…

Now….a visual experience that will make you question everything…

The Box….A Journey of You

  • Welcome, THE BOX….as they take you on a journey through the mind, the universe, the cosmos, consciousness, purpose, meaning, existence, and you…
  • Question your thoughts on philosophy, spirituality, psychology, science, and psychedelics! A journey through everything…and nothing.
  • Enter if you dare….

As always thank you for your support!


Brenden (The Philosophy Guy)

Founder and Editor of A Philosopher’s Stone



The Philosophy Guy
The Labyrinth

Editor at A Philosopher’s Stone on Medium: Podcaster, Thinker, Simulated Enigma. Check out more content here: