How Stoicism Has Helped Me Live with Chronic Illness

And how it can help you too

Owen Lloyd
The Labyrinth


Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

At the end of 2020, I wrote a post about my experience with long COVID.

In the post, I detailed my symptoms, and the more or less 6 month journey I had with long COVID. I was pretty upbeat towards the end of the post, as I believed I was nearing the end of my journey with this illness and that my life would soon be back to normal again. No more fatigue, no more heart issues, no more headaches.

Unfortunately this was not the case.

Since April 2020, I have been suffering through relapse after relapse of my post-viral symptoms, which seem to have hit somewhat of a plateau the last few months.

I could go on about all of the physical symptoms I have experienced through these almost two years of illness, but I’d just be repeating myself. Instead, I want to discuss a little more about the mental, spiritual and philosophical side of my journey, and how I, someone who has always been super fit and full of energy, have handled and come to terms with being chronically ill at 23 years old.

Internal conflicts

For the last few months, there have been three dialogues running through my head.



Owen Lloyd
The Labyrinth

I write about philosophy, self improvement and how we should live our lives on this strange planet.