Power: Love’s Best Friend

Love is not enough on its own


Photo by Brandan Keller on Unsplash

“All you need is love,” we have been singing for over half a century. We crave this pure feeling, longing for harmonious relationships, and a society that is accepting and inclusive. Love would allow us to at last live in peace.

In our search for ease, harmony, and peace, we end up confusing being loving with being nice. But these two don't necessarily go hand-in-hand.

"Be nice, don't bring that difficult subject to the dinner table." In the name of harmony, we avoid conflicts. But how nice is that, really?

The other side of the coin is that being nice is about keeping the status quo. Conformity. It is in the status quo that we find the power structures, oppression, and anything else we have under the carpet. And I ask you, is conforming and accepting everything the same as being loving? What is love, after all?

“Be nice”

Society rejects anything that does not conform. That does not only apply to criminals and so-called bad people but to anyone who breaks our so-called “harmony”, e.g. by claiming their rights to take space, and dare to look, be and sound different.

Yes, we reject “different”. The Suffragettes, Martin Luther King Jr, Greta Thunberg, Lady Gaga. Anybody who sticks out will be…



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
The Labyrinth

Life's not a hustle: I help you live your purpose with clarity, love & well-being. Watch Free Class 'Live from the Heart': alineram.com/live-from-the-heart