The Audience Is the Key

Using Burke’s Pentad to Better Understand Rhetoric, Politics and Discourse

Melissa Miles McCarter
The Labyrinth
Published in
12 min readDec 1, 2019


Jonas Jacobsson on Unsplash

We can learn a lot about how to create effective and engaging content from rhetoricians. In particular, I argue that the shift from classical to modern rhetoric emphasizes a distinct role of the audience.

According to a modernist perspective, the role of the audience is as important as the rhetor’s intent. The emphasis on the interaction of the viewer/listener with the text is a hallmark of the shift from the classical ideal to the modern rhetorical perspective. This shift can be seen as an emergence of a “dramatic” rhetoric.

Kenneth Burke is a rhetorician who codified the dramatist view of rhetoric. The dramatic viewpoint was present during the classical period, however, it seems two-dimensional compared to Burke’s dramatism. The modernist work of Burke also provides a bridge between the classical and postmodernist work in the field of rhetoric.

The emphasis on audience is similar to the post-modern idea of the spectator, and the modernist way in which Burke structures his approach is similar to the tropes and topoi in the classical approach. I argue Burke’s modern dramatism provides a bridge between classical and post-modern rhetoric.

