Image credit: alan_T at Pinterest.

The Man & the Ant.

Utkarsh Singh
The Labyrinth


It was a fine autumn evening that day.

I was all by myself beneath a tree and a book in my hand.

The weather was nice and it was pleasantly warm that particular day. I remember.

The evening sun was soothingly shining and sinking at the same time.

I was getting drowsy and decided to close my eyes for a while.

“Excuse me.. what is this ?”

A voice reached my ears. I opened my eyes to look who’s calling but couldn’t find anyone.

“Down here Mr. ..”

I looked at the book and there it was, a tiny black ant standing atop the pages of my book.

“what do you want ?” I asked.

“Sorry for disturbing your slumber mister but I’d like to know what this is ?” said the ant.

“What is what ? The book?” asked I.

“Yes, what is this that I’m standing on and what is all this black and white all over it ?” asked the ant.

I sighed.

Even if I explained it to you, you wouldn’t get it. You’re too naive a species to understand it.” protested me.

To which the tiny ant got up on it’s tiny legs and said “I understand that I may not be as wise and intelligent as you and your kind are ..but sir, I too wish to know what I can.. or atleast try. For tomorrow when I return to dust, I may be a little wiser than I was when I rose from it. So if it pleases you now kind sir, please explain.” The ant said while standing on its legs and hands joint together.

“Alright then” I said.

“What you’re standing on is called paper, papers are made from trees you see, we cut them, process them and turn them into white sheets on which we can write with ink or graphite, in this way the information doesn’t get destroyed and instead gets transferred from one person to another..” interrupted, I stopped.

“Perhaps you were right good sir, this all is indeed a little too overwhelming for me.” Said the ant.

“Told you so little fella.” said I.

“Nevertheless good sir, I’m happy to have tried, I’m happy that when I do move away, I will be a little wiser and a little brighter than I was thus, a few moments ago… good luck in being a thing in the world good sir, farewell!” said the tiny ant as it moved away in humbleness and gratitude.

A few more moments passed and I was all by myself again, still thinking about the tiny ant.

Image credit: Manven_Gh at Unsplash

I stood up, keeping the book aside and stomped my feet at the ground.

“Excuse me! What is the meaning of this ?”

Shouted I. Looking up at the sky.

“what is what ?” Said a voice from above.

“What is the meaning of this ? This planet, the sun ? Life ? Everything ?” Questioned I.

Image credit: Narim at Pinterest

Even if I explained it to you, you wouldn’t get it. You’re too naive a species to understand it.” Said the voice from above.

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Utkarsh Singh
The Labyrinth

A Med student. Wannabe Polymath. Some of my articles can be heard at Can be reached out at