How The Princess Bride Shows Philosophy is Inescapable

I’ll prove that you are a philosopher, too.

Carl T. Rogers, MFA | Storylosopher ✍️
The Labyrinth


Vizinni and Logic. Source: 20th Century Fox/Act III Communications

What comes to mind when you first hear the word “philosophy?” If you think of ancient Greeks stoically pontificating or a bespectacled professor in an ivory tower, then I would like to enlighten your potentially negative view of the subject. Together, we’ll use The Princess Bride to “have fun storming the castle” of said ivory tower which ought to be open to all. See, philosophy makes the world come alive to me with tangible ideas and electrifying mysteries.

Source: Warner Bros.

“Oh, that’s cool for you,” I can hear you say, “but I’m not a philosopher because that stuff is confusing and pointlessly esoteric.” Now, I understand not everyone is as hostile to deep thinking as that imaginary caricature just opined. Some of you may be interested in the aptly-named “love of wisdom” but find it baffling, no matter how in vogue it is. Look, I’m fascinated by the subject and sometimes I’m completely stumped. I relish the challenge of learning, so it just encourages me to keep digging.

