Time is.. Energy?

High-energy components evolve quickly, low-energy ones evolve more slowly

Mihal Woronko
The Labyrinth


Photo by Billy Huynh on Unsplash

Two quantum physicists are lost at the top of a mountain..
The first physicist pulls out a map and studies it for a while, then he turns to the second physicist and says: “I’ve figured it out! I know where we are!”

The second quantum physicist asks: “Where are we then?”
“Do you see that mountain over there?” asks the first.
“Yes”, responds the second.
“Well… THAT’S where we are.”

This joke, reworded from a post on iopenshell.usc.edu by an anonymous member, serves to illustrate how whacky and far-fetched things can sometimes get when we wade into the thick of quantum mechanics. Let’s keep our minds open here.

There’s an idea that I’d like to pull out of Sean Carroll’s recent work, Something Deeply Hidden, and apply it to our everyday existence. While nothing gets eyes rolling faster than the steeping of quantum physics principles into certain existential or supranatural (not super) concoctions, it may be worth consuming this quick bit, only because it’s both…

