What Do You Want Power For?

No power in the world can substitute lack of love


Tired of conforming and following rules, our souls shout within us to be. All our soul wants is to be allowed to shine the light they joyfully and authentically are.

To express ourselves and be ourselves. Simple, right?

Yet, lacking a strong and stable connection to our soul, we end up transforming this deep wish of being into a cry for attention, and so we pursue fame, likes, prestige, achievements, and social approval. To (feel like we) have power. To be someone. To not feel powerless and small, is such a complex and judgmental society.

The result is to crave power as an end in itself, to fight against our repression, to replace our lack of love and being. In practical terms, we get stuck in a behavioral loop of external needs, which is unfulfilling.

No wonder our society has so many issues with power, abusing it when we get our hands on it, be it in high governmental ranks or in daily friendly relationships. As a result, power, the ultimate energy of creation, gets a bad name.

Power is a primordial energy needed for any kind of creation. Power serves something, so that something happens. Stamina, willingness, drive. Without power, everything stays in the realm of ideas. Nothing exists…



Aline Ra M | Healer, Coach & Spiritual Teacher
The Labyrinth

Life's not a hustle: I help you live your purpose with clarity, love & well-being. Watch Free Class 'Live from the Heart': alineram.com/live-from-the-heart