5 Mini-lessons I Learned From Alan Watts That Have Helped Me a Lot in Life

#4. “The greatest obstacle to objective knowledge is our subjective presence.”

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


Photo by andrew welch on Unsplash

The first time I heard Alan Watts, I didn’t understand a shit.

He said, “If you think you’re just inside your skin, you define yourself as a very complicated little curvature on the edge of that explosion. In space and in time. Billions of years ago, you were a big explosion, but now you’re a complicated human being.”

But something hypnotic in his voice resonated with my heart and calmed it. So I began to listen to Alan like one who puts on a meditation for sleep.

Then I started reading his books, and even though I still didn’t understand shit, something magical happened: some phrases stayed in my subconscious and came to my mind whenever life put me in a difficult situation.

I started to write down those phrases and the mini-lessons I extracted from them to keep a record in an old notebook.

And today, I want to share five with you.

1. Muddy water cleans itself better — Alan Watts (The Way of Zen)

Give time to time.

