50 Short Rules for a Good Life From Schopenhauer

Pessimism to be happy.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


What’s the meaning of life?

Who knows? Maybe, just be. And we complicate all.

That’s why I like to trace philosophical thought. Maybe some philosophers got some information that will allow us to have a more pleasant life.

As a result of that search… I found a little treatise that Schopenhauer wrote for his personal use.

The manual was called literally: Lehre von der Glückseligkeit (Doctrine of Happiness).

He compiled fifty rules for life. These rules serve to lead a happy life despite all adversities.

After reading and analyzing the entire book, I wanted to summarize and synthesize its fifty rules for you to benefit from its wisdom.

Let’s start.

The 50 rules

  1. Stop looking for happiness and pleasure. Try instead to escape as much as possible from pain and suffering. Try to achieve a painless and peaceful present. If you make it, do not spoil it by fantasizing about imaginary joys. Pursuing them will bring you dissatisfaction.
  2. Do not envy. Apply to your life this quote from Seneca: “You will never be happy if you are tormented by the fact that someone else is happier…

