Four Disturbing Quotes by Gautama Buddha That Will Change Your Outlook On Life

Discover the pearls of wisdom from one of history’s greatest sages.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


Photo by Pieter on Unsplash

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. — Jesus of Nazareth.

In the same way, the words of that famous Indian prince Gotama aka Buddha, will not pass away either. And proof of this is the wisdom of Buddha contained in the book Dhammapada.

Dhammapada could be translated as the path of life. In Pali, pada means something like step, and Dhamma is the equivalent of Dharma (religious law or correct pious conduct) in Sanskrit.

Buddha discovered the world’s vanity and longed for the kingdom of heaven: Nirvana because there had to be something more, something better.

And he was right: there has to be something better.

Whenever I think of the mundane life, Tony Montana’s famous monologue from the restaurant in the movie Scarface comes to mind.

Is this all? Eat, drink, have sex, snort. Tell me what else?
You get to be 50, pot-bellied, full of hair, your liver bursts from eating this crap and you live like these rich mummies.
That’s it? I work so hard for only this? Tell me.

