Four Hard Life Lessons I Learned From Friedrich Nietzsche I Wish I Had Known Sooner in Life

Discover the pearls of wisdom from the bad boy of philosophy.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


Photo by Annika Palmari on Unsplash

Nietzsche is the bad boy of philosophy.

Next to him, Jordan Peterson is Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

For the record, Nietzsche’s father was a Lutheran priest who died when he was a child. When Nietzsche grew up, he wrote a book called The Antichrist.

That’s taking childhood trauma to another level :-)

Nevertheless, reading him blows your mind.

He wrote a selection of minor poems, RUMI type, of which I have selected four of the best.

These poems will reset your head and help you see your reality with new eyes and renewed energy.

Flowing with life

“Since I got tired of searching I have learned to find. Since one wind opposed me I sail with all the winds.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

One cannot live without facing the worst tragedies imaginable.
Pain and life are flesh and blood, inseparable.

