I Reduced 80% Of My Inner Suffering By Fully Understanding A Quick Quote From Jerry Seinfeld.

Learn this before it’s too late. The clock is ticking.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


Photo by Gabriel Brito on Unsplash

The greatest tragedy in life is not that we aim too high and miss but are destined to be an oak and end up as bonsai.

Because you end up feeling imprisoned, oppressed, and obsessed with everything you could have achieved if you had tried.

I know because I was a bonsai myself until I was 35.

How they turn you into a bonsai

You are an oak seed. Your destiny is to be tall and strong.

But they plant you in a small flowerpot so your roots don’t go deep, and you stay dwarfed, so you don’t take your feet out of the flowerpot so that you don’t develop your full potential. To turn you into a bonsai.

For that, they have conditioned you since you were a child.

That’s why they told you what you had to say, feel, do, or think. Even if it was opposite to what your true self wanted to say, feel, do, or think.

That’s why the ego is so bad.

Your ego is so toxic because it is not yours.

