The 3 Specific Types of Friendship According to the Philosophy of Aristotle

Learn to choose your friends wisely.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


For me, friendship is,

  • It’s laughing out loud.
  • It’s talking without words.
  • It’s being there for better or worse.
  • It’s helping each other not to be overwhelmed by nonsense.
  • It’s to know what is happening to the other just by looking at them.
  • It’s to share everything when the other one has nothing left.

That’s for me is friendship.

But Aristotle did not see everything as black and white as I do. For him, there were 3 categories of friendship. And today, I want to share them with you.

But first, let me tell you something about this great philosopher,

Aristotle suffered from stomach pains and gave his classes, walking to calm the pain.

The Spanish word “pasear” (to walk) comes from the Greek verb “peripatein.” That’s why his students were known as Peripatetics.

So I propose that for a while you become a peripatetic student. And read this article while walking immersed in your reflections, sure you will enjoy it more.

