Three Hilarious Quotes By Groucho Marx That Will Change Your Outlook of Reality

Discover the most incisive observations of one of the greatest comedians of the 20th century.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


Photo by Christian Buehner on Unsplash

Being funny is the only way to show you’re smart without being seen as a pretentious bro.

Comedians are the great philosophers of modern life.

  • They talk about hot-button issues that need to be discussed, but no one dares.
  • They point out the elephants in the middle of the room that no one else sees.
  • They take their skeletons out of the closets to allow us to discuss ours.
  • They help us to transmute pain into laughter and use it as a defense mechanism against the tragedy that often involves living.

That’s why I want to share three quotes from one of the greatest humor geniuses in history, Groucho Marx.

Phrases that changed my view of the world helped me be less naive and live better.

About people

“I was so busy writing the review that I never got to sit down and read the book.” — Groucho Marx

