Three Oriental Tales With Stoic Wisdom That Blew My Mind

Essential life lessons for happiness and success.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


We spend our days chasing mirages.

  • The fancy car.
  • The Mansion.
  • The Fame.
  • The recognition.
  • The money.

Without realizing that nothing is ours. Not even our body. We lose everything while we live.

We come into this world crying, and we leave it, making those who remain to cry.

People who once loved us.

We become a bittersweet memory that sticks in their chest.

We live in an imperfect world, and yet we obsess over finding the perfect partner or the perfect job.

Let me tell you something: In an imperfect world, there is no such thing as perfect. Stop chasing chimeras.

If you realize this, you will be able to accept your own limitations and weaknesses. And if you recognize yourself as you are, you can be happy and help others.


In a world ruled by suffering, alleviating the pain of others is the most revolutionary act of all.

