Three Phrases Full of Rumi’s Divine Wisdom That Will Change the Way You See Things

These three theories of the Sufi sage will blow your mind.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


Photo by Emir Eğricesu on Unsplash

Some time ago, I started reading Rumi.

Yalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī was a celebrated poet and a great Sufi mystic.

And what started as simple curiosity ended up as genuine admiration.

The mystic Rumi can encapsulate the most astonishing theories in three or four stanzas of poems.

These theories are encrypted in his poems, and I play at shaping them in my mind. And recently, I have discovered three little poems that have changed my thoughts about truth, ego, and divinity.
And I want to share my thoughts with you.

Let’s begin.

On the path, truth, and life.

“Of truth the secret will not be revealed by detachment, question, or penance, but when the heart and eye are exhausted: the Way of Union is not in all that chatter.” — Rumi.

Rumi, with this phrase, tries to abolish dogmas,

  • Buddhist detachment.
  • The questions of the philosophical tradition.
  • Christian penance.

