Three Simple (But Important) Eckhart Tolle Quotes To Remember When Everything Feels Meh!

Discover the pearls of wisdom from a first-class spiritual master.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Philosophical Inn


Photo by Annika Palmari on Unsplash

There are three types of days in life: bad, sound, and Meh!

Accumulate a lot of Meh! and the percentage of bad days will increase exponentially.

That’s why I usually use the Steve Jobs technique: I stand in front of the mirror every morning and ask myself if I’m doing what I want.

If the answer is no, several days in a row, I read some of my favorite authors for inspiration, rethink my life, and realize that things are not so bad.

In particular, these three super simple quotes from Eckhart Tolle have helped me a lot.

1. Never having enough

“The mind exists in a state of “Never having enough”, so it always ambitions for more.” — Eckhart Tolle

When life becomes routine and gray, and nothing satisfies you, boredom begins to gnaw at your insides until you make a mistake and get into trouble.

  • You snack between meals or overeat.
  • You get a series marathon.

