How to Identify Pseudo-Intellectuals

Tiago Bele
The Philosophy Hub
Published in
6 min readSep 29, 2022


And stop wasting your time in meaningless interactions.

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

The pursuit of truth is not a function of intellect but rather of character. Once in a while, we find ourselves debating with low character individuals, who appear well articulated. Those individuals often depict a façade of intellectuality, but in fact, it is a superficial mask in order to please their ego — an evil persona.

Debating or discussing with such types is meaningless, as they pursue not the truth but rather being right. Sometimes, it can be even worse: they try to extract satisfaction from your intellectual downfall and humiliation.

Over the course of a conversation, it is possible to identify if your counterpart is a pseudo-intellectual by some features of their discourse and other characteristics.

The basis for dialectic, according to A.Schopenhauer, as described in his work “Eristic Dialectics: The Art Of Being Right”. Created by S.J. Klimas.

In his book ‘Eristic Dialectic: The Art of Winning an Argument,’ Arthur Schopenhauer gave examples of such situations. On his account, they can be compared with the Greek Sophists, those being philosophers that gave more importance to the discourse instead of the main point or facts.



Tiago Bele
The Philosophy Hub

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