Getting more things done by grinding less hard



Some days ago my Twitter friend Kuntal wrote the following:

Yeaaah! Yesterday I was wondering if we are missing out on these kinds of beautiful moments around us due to all rush of productivity.
Maybe I will add “Nature Escape” to my todo list. Indulging in nature’s warmth should be counted as productive, right?

This Tweet made me think about the value of free time and the wrong emphasis we put on grinding through our workday.

In today's hustle culture we focus a lot on doing more and working harder, but forget to enjoy our journey on earth in the meantime.

I have the feeling that hustling often leads to the wrong results, probably because it robs us of the joy of existence. But working without joy, is depression, a state just too common among white-collar-workers nowadays.

In my 35 years on earth, I have discovered the following principle:

The harder we want something, the farther away it moves. It is often when we stop forcing ourselves to achieve certain results, when we allow ourselves a break, that we are actually getting closer to our goals.

Obviously, I am not the first person to think these thoughts. A long time ago a Chinese guy called Lao Tzu was quoted saying:



Philipp Stelzel - Digital Creator
The Philosophy of Productivity

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