The Phoenix Magazine
2 min readApr 10, 2020


Four Easy Ways to Remember What You Read

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Do you recall how many times it happened that you were telling someone about something important you read on the internet but can’t remember the entire information? You go like: “So according to this article, there are three essential ways to lose weight, I cannot remember all of three of them… but, I… well… Anyway, you should definitely try the two methods I just told you about, and I’ll send you about the third one when I go home.”

Yeah, it happens to me, tons of times. Especially when I get engaged in an informative conversation where I have to give some damn facts, they just fade away immediately. Here are four techniques you can do to solve this problem.

Here’s how I solved it:

1- Read the whole thing:

You skipped the intro, right? Your brain needs to see the whole picture to generate the wanted data to store it in your permanent memory, then you can recall it pretty much any time you need it.

No one is smart enough to catch it all in a very short time. If you’re reading, invest in yourself and get all the information.

For example, This story says “2 min read”. If you find it relatable, you’ve got to read it all.

Most of the times you think that you got what the author is saying, but actually you’re just getting an outline that will vanish the moment you close the story. The author’s effort is to deliver the complete picture out of their storyline, so give it a shot.

2- Emphasis what you read to yourself:

Even if you know it by heart, you should think about the purposes of what you are reading. Try to get the storyline from a different angle.

A good example is that back in 2016, I lost tons of weight as a result of working out and a healthy diet. Well, I know by doing so, I will definitely lose weight, but reading articles and watching videos made me more into the storyline, also I got different views about the same objective. So bottom line, if you’re interested in what you’re ready, give it the maximum time and patience you can ever give.

3- Share it…

That simple. Share what you like with your friends or anyone. Sharing is a great way to remember things.

4- Re-read it:

Dale Carnegie, the writer of the famous book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” said that he used to go back to his own book to re-read the steps of how to win friends and influence people. True, we tend to forget, so re-reading is the perfect way to keep what we want on the right track of remembering.

That’s it… Good luck :)



The Phoenix Magazine

Read my stories to get to know me better. I write about self-improvement, the environment, management & innovation.