Photo by San Francisco Housing Rights Committee

Repeal Costa Hawkins!

Join DSA SF to support the Prop 10 day of action!

SF Phoenix Publishing
3 min readAug 29, 2018


What is the day of action for Prop 10?

Costa Hawkins needs to go! DSA SF is joining all California DSA chapters to support Housing NOW’s statewide day of action to support Prop 10 (Costa Hawkins repeal). Housing NOW is rad, and the day of action will be great. Costa Hawkins is a plague upon our state, serving to feed the greed of landlords and corporate developers while denying affordable housing to millions of our neighbors. DSA chapters across the state have all sorts of activities lined up, from canvassing events to educational seminars to direct action! Come join DSA SF at 8:30 PM today (August 29th) at 16th and Valencia to show your support for Prop 10.

Why support Prop 10?

Prop 10 is worthy of your support because Costa Hawkins is so bad for our communities. Costa Hawkins, a state law enacted at the behest of landlord and corporate development lobbyists, is legislation that effectively prevents municipalities across the state from enacting comprehensive rent control. The reason we here in San Francisco cannot have rent control on buildings built after 1979 is because of Costa Hawkins! The reason an apartment’s rent jumps a bajillion dollars when the master tenant moves out is Costa Hawkins! In a majority renter city, we should not be handcuffed to the whims of the landlords.

And while we struggle to figure out how we can afford a future in the city, Costa Hawkins remains in place: a cruel measure that allows predatory landlords to feast on the soul of the city. Costa Hawkins is one of the major reasons why it’s so damn hard for artists and musicians and teachers and nurses and people who maybe don’t make a bajillion dollars to live here now. Costa Hawkins is also what makes it so you can’t have rent control on single-family homes. No rent control on single-family homes has led to too many working class families getting forced out of homes in which they’ve lived for years. And even if SF’s stock of single-family homes isn’t so substantial, remember that Costa Hawkins is a statewide scourge, meaning that all our friends and neighbors in cities with lots of single-family homes, like Sacramento, are prevented from having rent control protections. End Costa Hawkins and make housing more fair and affordable in California!

How can someone get involved in the Prop 10 campaign?

Many ways! For starters, if someone wants to help out, every weekend until November 6th the Prop 10 campaign is joining forces with mobilizations for Prop C, the measure that will tax the rich to end the homelessness crisis. We’ll be getting the word out, dropping lit at doors, and talking to our neighbors. Check with Prop C for more info! There’s also a Prop 10/Prop C combo phone bank every Tuesday at 5:30 PM at the Tenant’s Union in the Mission (558 Capp St). If you want to get more involved in housing work in the city and help to ensure a stable, secure, affordable future for all our neighbors, please join us at the DSA SF Housing Committee. Email or join us every other Monday at 350 Alabama St. Next meeting is Monday, September 10th!




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