Collections: Photobooks & Zines on Street Photography

Max Zhiltsov
The Phooks
Nov 2, 2020


We have just launched “Collections” on The Phooks to showcase self- & indie-published photobooks and zines by genre, topic, or subject matter.

With the growth of our library, we see how it becomes really complicated to dig through all the available titles. The books are getting lost in the catalog and do not get enough attention so we started to work on more flexible categories, filters and search.

Along with everything, we see that customers are often interested in a specific genre, them or a photobook format, so we decided to create separate Collections to simplify the process of books and zines discovery.

“Far” — self-published photobook by Ekin Küçük
“Far” — self-published photobook by Ekin Küçük. Read more

The first collection, Photobooks and Zines on Street Photography is already live on the website and counts more than 30 self-published photobooks and zines.

Entre Cuadras by Axel Auréjac and DRIFTWOOD 9 | Berlin by Christian Reister

Enjoy! More will follow soon.



Max Zhiltsov
The Phooks

Photography enthusiast, Product & Marketing strategist. Founder of & Partner at