A Window into the Future: Island Writing, Beach Shack Podcasts, Zen and Kungfu in the Jungle.

Axle Winterson
The Photojournal.
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2019
Myself on Koh Tao, Thailand — on my first SE Asian backpacking adventure.

It’s a warm and mystical morning; the red sunlight filters through my window shutters and blankets my bamboo floorboards with a welcoming embrace. The day is mine. I sit on a small cushion on the floor and soak in the velvet light of the morning; my senses are alive, my heart is filled with vivid bliss and undertones of calm violet excitement for the day ahead. The birds chirp softly between palm trees; they dance gently in the breeze. No thoughts cross my mind, I open my soul to the world… I listen.

The day pulls me towards the door. I step outside. The thick spongy grass braces my step, my barefeet are cushioned; caressed by the earth. My days here always begin with this winding, contemplative walk through the jungle, the trees and the flowers greet me with a wonderful scent, the sun dances in the hair and on my shoulders; my mind is calm, my body relaxed and poignant, my spirit in gentle inspired rhythm.

Koh Tao, the same trip.

Today, before breakfast, I write. An article on cats and zen grace… or to continue on my most recent book? The article, I think. For 1,2,3 hours I lay in a hammock of my friends cafe and entrance myself in lyricism and the vast world of ideas; I lead the reader through an anecdotal story, I bring the scenes to life, I fill the page with mesmerising storytelling; little bubbles of meaning and wisdom breaking surface every-now and then. As I write, a fresh fruit and seed smoothie of a beautiful shade of green fuels me; invigorates me.

Done. Time to engage the body.

Martial arts help to centre me here, balance my youthful energy with a steady grounding practise. Back into the jungle, an open platform; the sun is starting to beat down on us. The jungle breathes life. A group of wonderful friends gather: artists, travellers, spiritual activists, hippie intellectuals, plant-eaters, practitioners… musical, rhythmical, multi-lingual nomads of the modern age; open-minds and open hearts. Together we bring our bodies into a synchronised dance of force and relaxation, tension and space: fiery flare and calm receptiveness. We spar, practice movements; engage our muscles and our spirits. We sweat profusely; the atmosphere is both fun and serious, disciplined and playful.

Afterwards, I shower myself in cool water piped straight from the ocean. My body is and mind are both stimulated and mildly exhausted; with a gentle degree of spaciousness. I spend the next few hours of the scorching afternoon relaxing with my dearest island family; eating lunch, reading in the shade, enraptured in chilled conversations.

Koh Tao.

In the evening I retire back to my shack in the jungle. The soft dusk light still kisses the canopy. I am recording a podcast with a traveller; an older man of whom I have just recently met. He talks of his childhood; the teaching of his Father, his mishaps as a young academic, his lessons — his person fables of wisdom. The conversation leads into a discussion of the bohemian cultures off the mainstream backpacker circuit; the communal mindsets and spiritual-psychological cultivation that is encouraged in these environments.

My days often end with friends, perhaps with my mind enveloped in a book, occasionally at a late-night beach party.

I am living in a wonderful, thriving community of loving people and family spirit. My writings, my podcast, and my books reach a faithful and ever-growing global audience: I am always improving my craft, dedicating my time to continually educate myself; sharpen my linguistic tools, my set of storytelling and explanatory skills. The social atmosphere is warm, inclusive, compassionate, exciting and growth oriented. We are shirtless, scooter riding, ranting-and-raving free children of the earth — we have escaped from the clutches of the Western rat-race — we are on our own true paths, we are always learning; always becoming more aware; more mature; more aligned with our true individual essence.. together, as a creative tribe. We make our incomes by all means of digital work, but we come together in one beautiful place and encourage and enlighten the collective soul that we share.

There are many adventures that I hold fondly in my memory, and many more to come.

I have come far on this journey, and my soul is tinged with a wonderful fulfilling bliss. I spent many years working hard for this freedom, and I will not misuse it. My work is a means of serving the curious seekers of the earth — those that are waking up without supportive community or guidance. My practices and skills are always developing, however wherever I am and whatever happens in the future; I know that I am living my truth, that I have doing something that really matters to me and to the world — and that I can only be thankful for everything that has happened and is still happening to me.

This is a scene I envision, and a scene I plan to live out.


