An Establishing Shot.

Axle Winterson
The Photojournal.
Published in
4 min readNov 12, 2018

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower — Albert Camus.

I moved to London less than 2 months ago.

After a gradual process of adjustment, I am beginning to get into the flow of life here in the heart of British soil — and as such, I feel ready to begin telling the story of my experience here, to document life in the city of London from my own perspective; as a means of processing what I learn and discover as I explore this most rich and fascinating cultural hub as deeply as I can, and as far as fate pushes me.

To be a free man, one must first seek to understand himself within his surroundings, I strongly feel. Then, is this not my duty given the great gift of life? I think not a duty, perhaps, but an oppurtunity.

This post then, will set a foundation for a story that will continue on — an establishing premise for the next chapter of the Photojournal.

As for the travel material that I am still yet to curate, I will still produce a few travel articles over time — as a break from the necessary monotony of the chapter I am now embarking on.

In this piece I will use poetry, that of which I usually pen down in my journal during long shifts in the coffee shop, in order to convey my inner experience of moving to this vast metropolis — so different and alien from the warm community of curious travellers that I so often experienced during my extensive periods in the Asian and Southeast Asian regions.

rolling, rolling, rolling

cold starry nights

and long wet afternoons

pathologically bored

I step


a daze of rain and flashing lights

I watch

my shadow

in puddles

gazing at me

heavy eyelids

and a soft light seeps in

my feet

hit the pavement




on and on

like stones

deep november

her shallow breahts

her gentle leaves


a long

silent stream

seeping downwards

purple fragile love descending

who seeks

to be

forever whole

in a world of


running on the fabric of grey vaporous fields

woven by the unknowable

to what end?

a door opens

a dark grey figure

obscured by soft radiant light

a gentle deep



the endless nostalgia of the unknown presence within



in the whirlpool of unknowing

they spin


grasping at dust

a maze of empty streets

each corner

the same as the last

a gritty deep


a silent storm

he walks


not lonely

for the night resides in him

a blissful black isolation

dark flowers in a silent dawn

adjacent fields


summer nights

spaces between clouds

and the rhythm

of nothingness



