
Photolalia (Hamish Reid)
The Photolalia
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2018
Pumpjack. Video by Hamish Reid.

The first time I drove through Bakersfield (on my way to the Mojave) I started seeing the pumpjacks. They were everywhere, moving off in the distance — or right up next to the road. Some of them were even in suburban backyards, with kids playing near them. I’d only seen these on TV or in movies, so this was a first for me — I was fascinated and amazed. I’d worked in a refinery complex in Australia when I was younger, so I actually knew a bit about the industry, but I’d never seen anything like this up close.

Back home we used to call them “nodding donkeys”, but I quickly learned to call them pumpjacks (or pump jacks) here. I’ve always had trouble capturing the sheer strangeness of the way these things insinuate themselves into the everyday life of a place like Bakersfield, or the mesmerizing combination of stationary movement and endless repeating soundtracks. That sort of thing just doesn’t come through well with still photography (but I’ve tried…).

So when decent quality video became cheaply available to amateurs like me, pumpjacks were one of the first of my obsessions to get the video treatment — and this is the first resulting video. Shot with an old DV tape camera on Round Mountain Road, Tupman Road, Highway 33, 7th Standard Road (all in the Bakersfield / Taft area of California), during October / November 2009, it’s kind of primitive even for the time — but it does the job, for me, at least (and tens of thousands of other watchers, apparently). I did a few more over the years, but the one above is the one that most people remember….

Photo by Hamish Reid.

