How Earth’s Biosignature Will Change as the Planet Dies

As the Sun expands into a red giant, life on Earth will die away. So how will that look to distant observers watching the biosignature in our atmosphere?

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
5 min readNov 1, 2013


One of the few certainties about the future is that Earth is doomed. The Sun will eventually become a red giant, swelling almost to the size of the Earth’s orbit. Long before that, the planet will begin to heat, the oceans will boil away and all life on Earth will die.

But how will that process look to a distant observer? How will Earth’s biosignature change during the end of days? These questions have more to them than mere morbid fascination.

Astronomers know what Earth’s biosignature looks like today and so hope to spot similar signatures on other Earth-like planets. But for much of its past, Earth’s biosignature looked very different and it is set to change again, as life on Earth dies away.

So astronomers are keen to know what Earth will look like in the future so that they can spot similar planets at the end of their lives around other stars.

Today, Jack O’Malley-James at the University of St Andrews and a few pals calculate exactly how Earth’s biosignature will change as the higher life forms on Earth give way to an ecosystem dominated by microbes life and finally, as life disappears entirely. “The implications for the search for extraterrestrial life are that the search criteria may need to be broadened to improve the chances of successfully detecting life,” they say.

A biosignature is the way that molecules of biological origin change light that is reflected off the surface or that passes through the atmosphere. So the major factors that determine the biosignature are the mix of gases in the atmosphere and the biomolecules on the surface.

Today, Earth’s signature is dominated by chlorophyll in plants and in ocean-dwelling algae and by gases in the atmosphere that are by-products of life such as oxygen and methane.

This signature is set to change dramatically in future. As the Sun begins to heat the planet, one of the counterintuitive effects will be a dramatic drop in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

This happens because more carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans making them acidic and reacting with rocks to form clays. Essentially, the carbon becomes trapped in sediment on the ocean floors.

A significant drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide has profound implications for plant life because it is essential for photosynthesis. So the first consequence would be gradual decline in the viability of trees followed by an end to plants entirely.

Since plants produce oxygen, atmospheric oxygen levels would drop. That’s bad news for animal species which, without plants to eat and oxygen to breathe, would soon become die off with invertebrates such as termites, that able to feed on dead wood, lasting longest.

“Life on Earth will then once again become microbial,” say O’Malley-James and co.

All this will happen between 1 and 2 billion years from now. By that time, Earth’s surface will be largely uninhabitable and the oceans will begin to boil .

However, microbial life will persist wherever liquid water survives, perhaps at high altitude but more likely in caves and another subsurface environments. Increasingly, conditions will favour extremophiles, organisms that can survive at high temperature and without oxygen.

But about 3 billion years from now, the surface temperature will reach 300°C, well beyond what the toughest known organisms can survive. To all intents and purposes, life on Earth will then be extinct.

All this will dramatically change the planet’s biosignature. Clearly, there would be a big drop in atmospheric carbon dioxide followed by a corresponding drop in oxygen and ozone.

In addition, one of the most important biogases is methane. In today’s atmosphere, 80% of the methane comes from the decay of organic matter. If plants die off rapidly, there would be an order of magnitude increase in methane levels until all the dead matter has decayed.

This biosignature would be relatively brief. Sunlight destroys methane rapidly and without constant replenishment it would disappear within a few years. At the same time, the biosignature of chlorophyll in the surface would also disappear.

There may be other biogases that build up in the atmosphere. Oxygen is highly reactive and quickly removes lots of biogases from the atmosphere. But as oxygen levels drop, these other biogases should begin to flourish. For example, land plants and oceanic phytoplankton produce a volatile compound called isoprene. “This could allow a detectable level of isoprene to build up in the atmosphere,” say O’Malley-James and co.

Decaying animals also produce a gas called methanethiol which does not survive long in the atmosphere. However, the team points out that it decays into ethane, which would survive much longer and produce an observable signature.

Whether or not all these gases can be detected from afar is an important question. But there are certainly biogases that could be detected.

O’Malley-James and co say that in 1 billion years or so the main biosignature gases will be oxygen, ozone, water, ammonia, methane and ethane. But in 2 billion years the only detectable biosignature gases will be water and methane. And by 3 billion years, when life on Earth is all but extinct, the only detectable biogas will be methane.

So that’s what we’ve got to look forward to and what ET will see as Earth dies. And it’s also the kind of signature that astronomers should be looking for in the increasing numbers of exoplanets that they are discovering.

In the next few years, orbiting observatory such as NASA’s James Webb telescope should make it possible to observe these gases on Earth-like planets and the process of determining exactly what is going on on these alien bodies will make for some exciting science.

Ref: Swansong Biospheres II: The Final Signs Of Life On Terrestrial Planets Near The End Of Their Habitable Lifetimes

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