Mathematical Model of Zombie Epidemics Reveals Two Types of Living-Dead Infections

Data gathered from horror movies show there are two strains of zombie infection and that both can be modeled in the same way as influenza  

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
4 min readDec 2, 2013


When it comes to the zombie movies, it’s easy to imagine that the way the living dead spread through the population has little or nothing to do with real infectious diseases.

Not so! Today, Caitlyn Witkowski at Bryant University in Smithfield and Brian Blais at Brown University in Providence, both in Rhode Island, show how the way people turn into zombies in horror flicks, is remarkably similar to real epidemics.

In fact, the links are so similar that it is possible to use the same mathematical models to describe both types of epidemic. And this throws up a surpise. Whether Hollywood is aware of it or not, zombie movies fall into two different categories of infection. There are clearly two different strains of this horrifying illness!

The mathematical model that describes conventional epidemics is known as the susceptible- infected-recovered model. Individuals start off being uninfected but susceptible. When they come into contact with the disease, they become infected. And when they recover, they return to the general population but are no longer susceptible.

Back in 2009, researchers used this approach to build a simple model of zombie apocalypses. It suggests that zombies, once cured, return to the population to live out the rest of their years. And although no longer infectious, they are still zombies.

That’s a serious problem because it implies that zombies will always win. The susceptible and infected populations gradually diminish while the zombie population grows, eventually encompassing everyone.

That’s unlike any zombie move that Witkowski and Blais have seen. “The only way to remove someone from the susceptible population is through death,” they say. “Although films portray the vast difficulty in destroying a zombie, in every movie depiction we’ve seen, it is always possible to permanently remove a zombie (e.g. cut off the head, destroy the brain, burn the body, etc.).“

So a proper mathematical model of zombie epidemics has to allow for this. Indeed, death is a potential outcome in many diseases so this kind of model better represents what goes in in the real world too.

To take this idea further, and clearly in the broader interests of science, these guys have studied the disease dynamics in a large number of zombie flicks and say they fall into two categories. And they have creates a model for each using data gathered from a representative film from each category.

The first is Night of the Living Dead, the great granddaddy of the modern zombie movie and the first back in 1968 to depict zombies in popular culture . The IMDb Synopsis: a group of people hide from bloodthirsty zombies in a farmhouse.

The second is the 2004 comedy-horror, Shaun of the Dead. The IMDd synopsis: A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.

The key difference between these films is what happens to people after they die. In Night of the Living Dead, anyone who dies becomes a zombie.

But in Shaun of the Dead, and in most other zombie films, people who die do not necessarily become zombies. There needs to be contact between a zombie and a susceptible for the zombie population to grow. That allows susceptible people to escape zombification by committing suicide, a common theme in many flicks.

That leads to rather different dynamics, even though it is still possible to terminate zombies in both types of film by destroying their brains.

Witkowski and Blais use these observations to create a theoretical model of strain and then test it using data gathered from the films themselves, such as the rate infection rate, the size of the initial susceptible population and so on.

They then plug these figures into the model and iterate to find the set of parameters that best fit the data, a process known as Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation. In total they run the simulations over up to 500,000 iterations.

Epidemiologists use this process to find the parameters that best describe the spread of diseases in the real world. That’s important because it allows them to predict the evolution of the epidemic with reasonable accuracy. “Using exactly the same techniques, we can analyze real-world data on influenza,” say Witkowski and Blais.

Indeed this is the main motivation or their work. “Studying different types of zombie dynamics, although obviously fictional, are extremely useful in constructing real-life disease models,” they say.

And students of epidemiology can benefit from this approach. “It therefore becomes critical in avoiding the zombie epidemic, or any other epidemic, to have a sound understanding stemming of the dynamics of the disease from which to make forecasts,” say Witkowski and Blais.

They go onto show that film-makers are themselves able to anticipate the dynamics of these disease with uncanny accuracy. Both films end with military intervention that destroys the zombie populations.

Witkowski and Blais show that these are exceedingly well timed in both films. A short delay in either case would have allowed the zombies to triumph.

Funny, that; almost as if these stories are entirely made up. But just as well—nobody would want one of these zombie infections getting out of hand.

Ref: : Bayesian Analysis of Epidemics — Zombies, Influenza, and other Diseases

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