Best of 2014:

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog


Wikipedia Mining Algorithm Reveals The Most Influential People In 35 Centuries Of Human History

In June, researchers unveiled a surprising list of the world’s top ranked men and women

Whatever your interest in history, most of what you have learned will be strongly influenced by your language and your cultural background. The historical figures who feature strongly in Chinese schools will differ dramatically from those that feature in US schools, or Indian schools or Russian ones.

This kind of bias is also reflected in the various language editions of Wikipedia. For example, it’s not surprising to find that the Chinese language version contains more links to Chiang Kai-shek, who once led the Republic of China, than the German language edition.

That raises an interesting prospect. Perhaps the network of links between the Wikipedia articles about historical figures provides an objective way to assess their importance. So a person such as Napoleon who is highly ranked in many different language editions would be more influential than, say Park Chung-hee, the South Korean president and general who was assassinated in 1979, who is top-ranked in only the Korean language edition.


