Your Smartphone Can Measure Your Radiation Exposure

Government researchers have developed an app that turns an ordinary smartphone into a radiation detector by using the built in camera to detect gamma rays

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog


There’s an old story about an old photojournalist who, when asked his opinion about the best camera, said the “one you have on you”. The same might also be said for radiation detectors. Like cameras, these devices tend to be expensive, bulky and likely to be left at home or the lab when suddenly needed.

That could change in the near future thanks to the work of Joshua Cogliati and pals at Idaho National laboratories in Idaho Falls. These guys have worked out how to use ordinary smartphone cameras as gamma ray detectors to spot radiation.

They have tested their app extensively in the lab and say that smartphones can not only detect gamma rays but work out the energy spectrum of the radiation, calculates your radiation dose and may even be able to work out the direction of the radiation source.

In theory, electronic cameras in cellphones ought to be able to detect gamma rays in the same way as they detect visible light photons. These cameras detect light when incoming photons hit electrons inside a pixel, creating a charge that an electronic circuit can then detect. The pattern of charge across the pixel array corresponds to the image.

Gamma rays are high energy photons that also ionise electrons. So they too ought to be detectable by the sensors in smartphone cameras.

Gamma rays have far more energy than visible light photons: for example, they might have 20,000 eV compared to between 1.77 and 3.1eV for visible light from red to violet respectively.

And because they have much higher energy to start with, they transfer far more to any electron they hit. This in turn then careers through the material ionising other electrons until its energy is dissipated.

So an electron with 20 KeV might ionise 10,000 other electrons before it dissipates. That’s a signal that a smartphone camera ought to be able to see. In principle at least.

Of course, most of these high energy electrons are knocked out of the camera sensor, which is essentially a flat slab of silicon just a few micrometres thick. Occasionally, however, the electron’s trajectory will take it through the slab from one pixel to the next and this generates a line of pixels that are relatively easy to spot.

Nevertheless, the sensors generate a considerable amount of noise that can swamp the relatively small number of signals from gamma radiation, even when the camera is used with the lens covered so that no visible light can obliterate the signal.

This noise is generated by ordinary heat and current leakage and has to be removed. Cogliati and co do this essentially by measuring this noise in the absence of gamma radiation and then subtracting it from the image.

The bright pixels that are left should then be the result of gamma radiation.

That’s the theory. And Cogliati and co aren’t the first to build an app that uses smartphones to detect radiation in this way. However, nobody has convincingly shown that these kind of devices actually work.

Now Cogliati and co have tested their app practice in extensive tests at Idaho National Laboratory on several different Android smartphones, such as a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and an LG Nexus 4.

They placed the phones close to several different radiation sources producing gamma rays of different energies while varying the distance between experimental runs to change the dose the camera received. They used the on board app to record and analyse images taken with the camera and to calculate the radiation dose received by each.

The results show that the smartphones do indeed work as reasonable dose meters, say Cogliati and co.

The app can also work out the energy of the incoming gamma rays by measuring the brightness and length of the lines they produces on the sensor. Obviously, the longer and brighter the lines, the higher energy electrons that must have created them.

Gamma ray tracks from caesium-137 picked up by a Nexus S

That’s handy because the energy of the gamma radiation is the smoking gun that reveals the type of source. For example, caesium-137 produces 662 keV photons while cobalt-60 produces 1173 and 1332 keV photons. Telling these apart is a useful first step in working out how the radiation might have been released in the first place.

Finally, Cogliati and co point out that these smartphones have two cameras—forward and backward facing— and that it ought to be possible to determine the direction of the radiation source by comparing the dose that each camera receives. However they have not yet tried this.

The end result is that smartphones turn out to be surprisingly useful as gamma radiation detectors (alpha and beta radiation are likely to be stopped by the cameras body).

That may turn out to be useful in a variety of situations. For example, as a first line of detection for emergency services during an incident involving radiation. Or more commonly, for travellers who want to measure their radiation dose as they fly, since those taking frequent polar air routes between north America and Europe receive a significantly higher dose than others. Or perhaps for people who live in regions that have naturally high levels of background radiation such as those produced by granite.

To that end, an interesting question is whether Cogliati and co will make their app available to the public. They publish certain parts of the code in their paper but make no mention of their future plans for the app they call CellRad.

Of course, there is an important caveat with this work. Smartphones are certainly handy but their results cannot rival the quality of the data that commercial radiation detectors and dosimeters produce.

But that misses the point. “There are many more cellphones around than high-quality radiation detectors, which means there are times when the cellphone can be the best detector available,”say Cogliati and co.

Or, to misquote the old photojournalist’s maxim, the best radiation detector is the one you happen to have on you.

Ref: : Using CMOS Sensors in a Cellphone for Gamma Detection and Classication



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