First Simulated Images of Two Black Holes Colliding

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
5 min readNov 3, 2014


The equations of general relativity are so fiendish that nobody has been able to work out what a collision between two black holes would look like…until now

Black holes are regions of space so dense that not even light can escape. However, astronomers have long believed that one of the best ways to study these exotic objects is to look for the influence they have on the light field behind them. Black holes, they calculate, should bend and warp space so violently that any stars and galaxies behind them should appear horribly distorted, a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing.

But while the gravitational lensing effects of a single black hole have been studied since the 1970s, the way pairs of black holes should distort space is much more difficult to calculate. Indeed, beyond one or two unrealistically contrived cases, the equations are too complex to solve.

Instead, astrophysicists have begun to simulate the behaviour of black hole binaries on powerful supercomputers. They have done this mainly to calculate the gravitational waves these objects should emit as they spiral towards each other and whether the waves would be large enough for gravitational wave observatories on Earth to detect.

Today, Andy Bohn at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and a few pals say the same calculations also reveal how inspiralling black hole pairs should distort the light field around them. These guys have used the calculations to show the gravitational lensing effects that black hole binaries should produce for the first time.

The approach is straightforward in outline. Bohn and co imagine a camera pointing at a pair of inspiralling black holes with a geometric pattern painted on the horizon at infinity. One way to determine the effect of the black hole pair is to calculate the trajectory of every photon travelling from the background pattern and picking out to those that arrive at the camera. However, this is computation unfeasible because of the sheer number of photons involved.

So Bohn and co borrow a technique from computer graphics called ray-casting in which they calculate the path of light rays propagating from the camera to infinity as if time were running backwards. Any rays that end up in the black holes themselves cannot represent physically realistic photons and so must correspond to dark regions of the image.

The difficult part of this work, of course, is calculating the trajectory of the photons using the physics of general relativity. These equations are notoriously non-linear so physicist sometimes simplify them by assuming that a system remains constant in the time it takes for light to pass by. The difficulty with black hole binaries is that this assumption does not hold— these objects orbit so rapidly as they approach each other that space-time warps, even during the time it takes for light to pass by.

Nevertheless, modern supercomputers have begun to tame these unruly equations. Bohn and co begin by simulating the gravitational lensing effect of a single black hole and then graduate onto binaries.

Single black holes generate some interesting effects. For example, the process of frame dragging in which the black hole drags the fabric of space in the direction in which it spins, allows a photon orbiting the black hole in the direction of frame dragging to approach more closely than one orbiting in the opposite direction. That causes an asymmetry in the lensing effect.

The lensing patterns produced by binary black holes are even more fascinating. These produce additional black hole regions in the shape of ‘eyebrows’ where one black hole lenses the other. In fact, these features have a fractal character — a closer look reveals ever smaller eyebrows. This is the result of photons close to the black holes taking an increasing number of orbits through the system.

Having calculated the way a black holes pair distort a geometric image at infinity, the team apply the same distortion to an image of the Milky Way. The result is the kind of distortion astronomers might see if they are able to view one of these objects at the required resolution.

That raises the interesting question of how it might be possible to see these lensing effects from Earth. That depends on the distance, say Bohn and co. They conclude that from large distances binaries are more or less indistinguishable from single black holes. Only a relatively close observer would be able to see the fascinating detail that they have simulating or one with very high resolving power.

Bohn and co say the task of finding candidates that might produce this kind of lensing is a goal for the future. “Generating lensed images of black hole – neutron star and neutron star – neutron star mergers is an avenue of future investigation,” they say.

That may take some time. Astronomers have observed gravitational lensing caused by massive objects such as galaxy clusters, but only in cases where the deflection of light is small.

The first observation of much bigger deflections, such as those produced by black holes or black hole pairs, will be something of a triumph for whoever spots them first.

Ref: : What Would A Binary Black Hole Merger Look Like?

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