How Engineers Are Building a Power Station At the South Pole

Engineers are attempting to provide 24/7 power to an ambitious experiment at the bottom of the world. Here’s how…

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog


If you had to choose the most difficult place in which to build a power station, the South Pole would probably come close to the top of your list. During the winter, the station and the 40 or so people who overwinter there, are entirely isolated. Power comes from three generators burning JP-8 jet fuel which has to be flown in during the summer at considerable cost.

But the South Pole is also home to an increasing number of ambitious experiments. The most famous is probably the Icecube Neutrino Observatory, which peers through a cubic kilometre of ice beneath the pole, looking for the tell-tale flashes generated by high energy neutrinos. This has its own set of generators that power the detectors and their associated electronics.

But researchers are currently building an even bigger experiment called the Askaryan Radio Array that will search for neutrinos in a volume of ice thousands of times larger than Icecube.

There is a problem however. The array consists of strings of detectors lowered into the ice listening for radio waves generated by high energy neutrinos. But on the surface, the array will stretch for tens of kilometres. That’s too far for cables to carry power without experiencing significant losses.

So instead, the design team have had to come up with another way to supply power. Their idea is that each detector site will have its own renewable power station on the surface generating enough juice to keep the experiment running continuously all year round beneath the ice.

But how to generate 24/7 power at the South Pole? Today, Dave Besson at the University of Kansas and a couple of pals describe their answer. These guys have designed, built and tested a power station that uses a mixture of solar and wind power with the aim of providing continuous renewable power all year round.

Producing power is not a particularly difficult task in mainland Kansas. But it becomes a significant challenge at the South Pole where maintenance is difficult and only possible in the summer and where temperatures can drop to -80 degrees C in winter.

The first problem is to erect a tower capable of supporting the wind turbine. Since they needed to minimise the construction time at the pole, these guys constructed in advance a lattice tower in parts which could be transported to the Anarctic and then bolted together.

“This proved very inconvenient for shipping,” they say. What’s more, the tower turned out to be stronger than necessary for the conditions. A useful lesson is that in future, they should be able to get away with structures requiring less engineering.

With three towers in place, these guys have been testing several different models of wind turbine at the pole since 2010. Having replaced the standard lubrication in these devices with special low-temperature grease, two of these turbines have worked flawlessly since then. However, one began to vibrate so badly it had to be shut down permanently.

They’ve also tested a photovoltaic panel which generates power continuously during the summer months when the Sun is constantly above the horizon. Interestingly, the best way to arrange this panel is to place it vertically, high enough on the tower to avoid snow drifts.

This vertical arrangement means the panels are most efficient when the sun is near the horizon, as it is often is. It also means that the panel picks up reflected light from the snow which provides a significant contribution to the power, even when the sun is behind the panel. What’s more, the low temperature actually improves the performance of solar panels. “The photovoltaic panel performed higher than expected,” they say.

Nevertheless, one problem is the continuity of power. The wind speed at the pole averages between 4 and 8 metres per second, depending on the height above the ground.

That’s just enough to turn the blades on the wind turbines but it also raises the prospect of periods when the wind is too weak to generate power. So the station has to have a battery to store power.

That’s a significant problem because the battery, and the power station’s associated electronics, need to be housed in a compartment that is protected from temperature extremes. Their solution was to bury this compartment in the snow beneath the tower.

That provides the necessary protection and prevents the build up of snow but it introduces another problem. Every summer, engineers have to locate the boxes and dig them out of the ground for any necessary maintenance or upgrades. That’s hard, time consuming work.

And while that’s possible for three power stations, the idea is to have dozens of them. “This becomes logistically prohibitive as the number of stations increases and the snow accumulates each year,” say Besson and co. Just how they can be maintained isn’t yet clear.

Neither is it clear from this paper that the stations have been able to provide their design goal of 120W of continuous power for 95 per cent of the time. Besson and co conclude, rather ambiguously: “Overall, power at a single station was proved extensible by installing multiple turbines and a photovoltaic panel.”

Nevertheless, nobody should underestimate the difficulty in getting almost anything done at the South Pole. So the very fact of having several turbines operating for years is to be applauded.

Indeed, given the premium on power of any kind, other groups working in different parts of Antarctica have begun to copy their approach.

Green power is finally coming to the white continent. : Design, Modeling and Testing of the Askaryan Radio Array South Pole Autonomous Renewable Power Stations

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