Mathematicians Devise The World’s Most Unusual Typefaces Based On Problems of Computational Geometry

If you’re fed up with Times New Roman, read on…

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog


Typeface design is something of an art. For many centuries, this art is been constrained by the materials available to typographers, mainly lead and wo0d. More recently, typographers have been freed from this constraint with the advent of digital typesetting and the number of typefaces has mushroomed. Verdana, for example, is designed specifically for computer screens.

Now typeface design has taken a step into the mathematical realm. Today, father and son team Martin and Erik Demaine, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, reveal a number of typefaces that they have designed that are based on, or are related to, mathematical problems that these guys have worked on. “We have been designing a series of typefaces (font families) based on our computational geometry research,” they say.

A typeface is a set of glyphs that share common design features such as their weight, width, slant, ornamentation and so on. They often consist of a family of fonts of different sizes each of which contains glyphs representing all of the letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other symbols that are required to convey meaning in text.

Here are several of the new ones with a few introductory details…

In this typeface, the glyphs are formed by wheels with conveyor belts around them. It is based on the problem of “whether every disjoint set of unit disks (gears or wheels) in the plane can be visited by a single taut non-self-intersecting conveyer belt.” (This problem is still open, if anybody has a few hours to spare.)

Having unsuccessfully attempted to solve the problem, the Demaine’s devised this typeface in which each configuration of discs has only one conveyer-belt solution that looks like a letter or numeral.

The typeface has another function: when the configuration of wheels alone are printed it becomes a puzzle font. “The puzzle font makes it easy to generate many puzzles with embedded secret messages,” they say.

Erik Demaine is one of the world’s leading theorists on computational origami, so it’s no surprise that he has put this ability to good use in designing this typeface. In this map, the dark lines are mountain folds, light lines are valley folds and the bold lines delineate the boundaries of letters.

Demaine senior is an expert glass blower at MIT and so it’s no surprise that he has put these skills to use as well. This typeface is based on the way thin cylinders of glass bend when heated to around 1400°F and then squished between steel bars. “Designing the before-squishing glass arrangements required extensive trial and error before the squished result looked like the intended glyph,” they say.

This also has a practical application. They say the experiments helped create a physical model of the forces involved in glass squishing. “In this way, we use typeface design to experiment with and inform our computer science research,” they say.

They also have a number of other creative typefaces that are worth taking a look at (see the link below).

Fascinating work. If any of this inspires you to create your own typefaces based on problems you’re studying, send them in. I’d be happy to post the examples and their explanations here.

Ref: : Fun with Fonts: Algorithmic Typography

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