Researchers Make Fruit Flies Perform Aerobatics Like Spitfire Pilots

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog
5 min readAug 5, 2014


Ingenious experiment reveals that fruit flies have the fastest reaction times of all

Reaction time is the period between a sensory stimulus and the subsequent behavioural response. In humans, the fastest reaction time is about 100 milliseconds or 0 .1 seconds, a period determined by the time it takes for a signal to travel along nerves to the spinal cord or the brain and for the return signal to trigger the appropriate movement, such as withdrawing your hand from a hotplate.

But humans are slow coaches compared to many members of the animal world. The visual startle response in houseflies takes about 20 milliseconds, which is why they are so hard to catch. The escape response of cockroaches can be as fast as 11 milliseconds. But the undoubted winners in the reaction speed stakes are teleost fish which have a startle response of between 5 and 10 milliseconds.

Now there is a new contender for the title of the fastest draw in the animal kingdom. Tsevi Beatus and pals at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, say they have measured the reaction time of fruit flies at an incredible 5 milliseconds making it one of the fastest in the animal kingdom.

The details of their experiment are fascinating. These guys are particularly interested in the way fruit flies stabilise themselves during flapping flight. This is challenging for small flying insects because their tiny mass makes them susceptible to gentle air currents which can flip and roll them.

What’s more, air behaves very differently at the scale at which insects fly, with the flow being much more unsteady. That makes control and manoeuvering a significant challenge. So an interesting question is how fruit flies manage it.

These creatures have to control their body angle along three different axes: yaw, pitch and roll. Of these, roll is the most sensitive because the insect’s moment of inertia is smallest along its long axis. That makes it easy to roll during flight.

So fruit flies must have finely tuned reactions to cope with the kind of turbulence they encounter on that the scale. But how to measure this?

Beatus and co came up with an ingenious mechanism. These guys glued a tiny magnetic pin just 1.5 millimetres long to the back of each fly. The pin is oriented horizontally and perpendicular to the body axis, like a human with a rod across the shoulders.

They then set up an experimental flying chamber in which a magnetic pulse causes the pin to flip taking the fly with it. The pulse lasts for five milliseconds, or 1 wing beat. The fly is unable to oppose this force and so must react immediately when the field is switched off to regain stable flight.

These guys filmed this experimental chamber with video cameras on each axis recording at 8000 frames per second. When a fly crossed the filming volume, a laser triggered both the camera and the magnetic pulse.

They then used computer software to reconstruct the movement of the fly and its wings in three dimensions as it applied whatever corrections were necessary to regain stable flight.

The results show just how quickly fruit flies can respond. The fly begins corrective flapping within a single wing beat of the magnetic pulse, in other words within 5 milliseconds of being rolled. It corrects its motion by flapping its wings at asymmetric angles while also extending its legs from their folded flight position to produce a correcting torque.

The team also subjected the flies to multiple pulses causing the fly to roll several times. In response, the flies all behaved in a similar way. “The right wing, which in a typical correction maneuvre flaps with a larger stroke amplitude, hardly flapped at all and occasionally seemed disconnected from its flight power muscles,” say Beatus and co.

That raises the important question of whether the flight correction is a passive or active process. In a passive process, the correction is the result of the natural shape and material properties of the insect’s body and wings, rather like a parachute both slowing and orienting a falling object. In an active process, a sensory stimulus triggers a particular response.

Beatus and co have modelled the behaviour of the flies and say they can rule out the possibility that stabilisation occurs passively. They say that correcting manoeuvres at this speed can only be the result of a reaction controlled by a simple circuit. Indeed, they have reconstructed this circuit, discovering that the simplest one that can do the trick is known as a proportional-differential controller.

Interestingly, the corrective manoeuvre is usually complete within about seven wing beats, which is about the same as the flies’ visual response time. That is a clear indication that the flies are not using their eyes to correct their flight.

Instead, Beatus and co suggest that the flies must be able to sense their angular acceleration or velocity in some way but may also be able to determine the direction of gravity. But exactly how they sense what is going on during these rapid rolls is not known.

That is a fascinating piece of work. It reveals the active way in which fruit flies recover from uncontrolled rolls and how quickly they do this. “The flies respond to perturbations within a single wing-beat, or 5 milliseconds, placing this response among the fastest reflexes in the animal kingdom,” say Beatus and co.

So bear witness to the fastest draw in the animal kingdom—the humble fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. It’ll be interesting to see whether any creature can react faster.

Ref: : Roll Control In Fruit Flies

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