The Major Blunders That Held Back Progress in Modern Astronomy 

It turns out astronomers are susceptible to prejudice, bias and wrong-thinking, just like everybody else

The Physics arXiv Blog
The Physics arXiv Blog


Mark Twain once said, “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so. ”

The history of science provides many entertaining examples. So today, Abraham Loeb at Harvard University in Cambridge, scour the history books for examples from the world of astronomy.

It turns out that the history of astronomy is littered with ideas that once seemed incontrovertibly right and yet later proved to be bizarrely wrong. Not least among these are the ancient ideas that the Earth is flat and at the centre of the universe.

But there is no shortage of others from the modern era. “A very common flaw of astronomers is to believe that they know the truth even when data is scarce,” says Loeb.

To make his point, Loeb has compiled a list of ten modern examples of ideas that were not only wrong but also significantly held back progress in astronomy “causing unnecessary delays in finding the truth”.

Here are three of them:

1. Large telescopes dominate astronomy today but one hundred years ago, a very different view prevailed, at least in some parts of the world. At that time, Edward Pickering, director of the Harvard College Observatory, argued that telescopes had reached their optimal size and that there was no advantage in making them bigger. In an article on the future of astronomy published in 1908, he wrote: “It is more than doubtful whether a further increase in size is a great advantage.” His argument was that factors other than size had a much bigger influence on astronomical data, factors such as climate. “It seems as if we had nearly reached the limit of size of telescopes, and as if we must hope for the next improvement in some other direction,” he said.

Loeb says Pickering’s views had a major impact on observational astronomy on the east coast compared to the west coast of the US. Just as Pickering was publishing his controversial idea, the 60-inch telescope at the Mount Wilson Observatory near Los Angeles, saw first light. And while astronomers in the east were arguing the toss about size, this telescope was gathering the data that would eventually make it one of the most productive in astronomical history.

What’s more, at exactly that time, the Mount Wilson observatory received funding to build a 100-inch telescope and this was completed in 1917. And this was in turn superseded by the 200-inch telescope at nearby Mount Palomar in 1947 which remained the largest telescope in the world until 1993.

This succession of great telescopes was hugely influential, contributing to the discovery of the expansion of the universe by Hubble and later to the discovery of radio galaxies and quasars. In the meantime, astrophysicists on the east coast languished in the backwaters of astronomy with instruments that were mere toys compared to the giants in the west.

2. In the early 1960s, NASA assembled the great and the good in astronomy to evaluate the merits of launching an X-ray telescope into orbit. The idea was that because the Earth’s atmosphere blocks X-rays, an orbiting observatory would kickstart a new era of astronomy.

But instead of rubber stamping the idea, the panel made a monumental error. It concluded that most sources of x-rays would be flaring stars and that consequently, the scientific motivation for an X-ray telescope was weak. “The launch of an X-ray telescope by NASA was therefore delayed by half a decade,” says Loeb.

When NASA finally launch the Uhuru X-ray observatory in 1970, it made a series of major discoveries including Cygnus X-1, the first black hole candidate.

3. The search for Earth-like planets around other stars has become one of great driving forces in astronomy in recent years. It turns out that planets are not so hard to find around other stars. That’s because there are plenty of giant Jupiter-like planets orbiting close to relatively small stars. Their size makes them easy to sport as they pass in front of their parent star’s disc or by their gravitational tug as they orbit.

So why weren’t these planets discovered decades ago? Probably because of sheer prejudice, argues Loeb. “Because Jupiter is considerably farther out from the center of the solar system, time allocation committees on major telescopes declined proposals to search for close-in Jupiters for years based on the argument that such systems would deviate dramatically from the architecture of the solar system and hence are unlikely to exist.”

In fact, the first exoplanet, HD114762b, was discovered in 1989. But theoretical prejudice prevented it being recognised as a planet for more than six years. The astronomy community only recognised the work after others had found similar examples.

These discoveries could have been made decades earlier. In 1952, the Russian-American astronomer Otto Struve suggested that close-in planets may exist and would be easy to spot but his paper was ignored because of exactly the same prejudices.

Loeb goes on to describe a number of other wrong turns by the astronomy community, which make for an entertaining read. If you have a spare 15 minutes, give his paper a once over. With any luck, it might just prevent similar errors being made in future.

Ref: : On the Benefits of Promoting Diversity of Ideas

